we only just met...

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Nobody's pov:

"But mom-" "no buts were moving!!"
Neytiri said to lo'ak as she was packing the boxes in the truck "now go get your siblings lo'ak" "fine" lo'ak mumbled under his breath "what was that" "Nothing" lo'ak said as he ran quickly into his house.

"DAD!!" "What" "mom said you better have everything packed or else she's gonna beat you as-" lo'ak was cut off by kiri placing a hand on his mouth
"I think he gets it," kiri said walking away and lo'ak rolled his eyes heading upstairs.

(Time skip)

"Finally everything's out of the house"
Jake sighed in relief "it would've been easier if you already had it packed" Neytiri said to herself "hey where's tuk and neteyam?" Spider said.

(just pretend spiders mom died and his dad abandoned him and jake was close friends with his mum so he took him in)

"Yeah I haven't seen them since..... wait sinceee" loak was cut off by Jake "don't pressure your brain, your gonna need it someday"


Neteyams pov:

"Tuk, mom, and dad are waiting for us we must go" "Okay okay but one more thing," tuk said getting all her bracelets and necklaces "I'm gonna miss home." Tuk said putting the rest of the stuff in the box, "me too. But soon you'll have new friends and a bigger room!!" "Yeah, I guess your right!" "Alright then let's go"

Tuk grabbed neteyam hand and walked downstairs with him, 'don't cry don't cry don't cry' neteyam kept thinking to himself. He grew up in this home, it was hard to leave it but he had to be strong in front of his siblings,

(All in the minivan)

Spider kiri and loak sat in the front row while neteyam and tuk sat in the back,
'This is gonna be so much fun neteyam thought with sarcasm.

(Time skip getting gas)

Kiri and spider were knocked out cold
And lo'ak was playing his own game on his phone,

"So tuk, how are you decorating your room?" "Umm... I'm not sure, but you can help me!" "Sure tuk,".

Jake tapped on the window and said something but nobody understood, neytiri rolled the window down looking at him "what hun?" "Anyone want snacks?" Jake said as he pulled up a bag with some snacks in it,

(1 more hour)

Tuk was sleeping and neteyam and Neytiri were talking about random stuff like college, housing, and jobs, "but mom I don't want to-" "no buts, your old enough to have a job, surprisingly lo'ak had one" "it lasted 4 hours" Jake reminded
"And neteyam lasted 4 months," Neytiri sighed "still did better than you," she said as she continued her conversation,
"That man had it coming!" Jake said

Neteyam rolled his eyes "while you too yell at each other I'm taking a nap" "night son"


Everyone was getting their stuff out of the truck and bringing it into the house, "okay yall know the rules,"

(After explaining where their rooms were)

Neteyam sat on his bed, he had a great view of the beach, and he saw kids running around and a boy surfing. 'Cute' he thought, he saw some girl run to that guy, 'she's very pretty!' "NETEYAM" lo'ak said running into his room and trying to catch his breath "what?" "T-there's this" he cleared his throat "really hot chick down there!"

"You can't call everyone a chick!" Neteyam said rolling his eyes, "I know but can we please ask mom and dad if we can go for a swim" "but we... well you haven't finished packing-" "THEN LETS HURRY!"

(done packing so like 2 hours later)

We were walking down to the beach and lo'ak was looking around like a lost puppy looking for his owner "oh my gosh, there she is!" Neteyam rolled his eyes "would you shut up" "never, I'm the annoying one that's my job"

(Why did that remind me of  Moana's gram💀)

Neteyam turned to lo'ak with a confused face "dude... that's why mom and dad yell at you all the time-" neteyam accidentally walked into someone.
He fell backward, "BAHAHAHAAH" Lo'ak started to laugh at him uncontrollably "lo'ak stop laughing" tuk said running over to him.

"Sorry sorry i-im sorry," neteyam said getting up, "Nah it's cool," the random boy said neteyam looked up at him, 'that's that cute boy from- NO NOT HIM.... but he is kinda cute'

Neteyam snapped out of his thoughts when lo'ak dragged his arm kiri and spider ended up grabbing the rest of the stuff for the setup,

"What was that for?" "He stared too long, people these days. Always falling for my brother and not me" Neteyam laughed and grabbed the towels from spider

(I still don't get why ppl hate spider I liked him😭)

(All in the water besides tuk ND neteyam)

They swam for a little but got out and thought it would be cool to dig a deep hole, "tuk your not helping"

(Yk how u have to bend in the hole to get the sand, that's his position just laying it out there)

"I am!" "And how exactly?" "I supporting you" neteyam got up and looked at her,
She was just laying back with her arms behind her head, "woah cool" some girl said neteyam smiled and nodded.
"Mind if I help? Im tyseria" "Yeah sure tyseria" tuk got up and started to help,

(Done digging)

"We should put lo'aks blanket over it and let him fall!" Tuk said and neteyam thought for a second, "who's lo'ak" "just our annoying brother" neteyam laughed
As tuk was hiding the hole with lo'aks towel, "okay tyseria watch how the pranksters do it" said tuk.

Lo'ak came running to the towel when he saw the girl, "hey bro" he said with a confused look on his face while the 'chick' was there, "hey" he said to the girl laying on his towel until he fell in, "HEY!" they all started bursting in laughter while Kiri took a picture
"DONT POST THAT!" lo'ak said struggling to get out the hole,

"tyseria!" She looked over to her brother and waved, he ran over " where were you?" "Oh we were just hanging out" "next time tell me" he looked at lo'ak ND and chuckled "see yah" "bye aonung!" Kiri looked at her "is that your friend" kiri asked "he seems kinda mean" spider added on, "no he's my brother"

(Home time)
Neteyams pov:

I quickly got in the shower and tucked tuk into get, I went to my room to put on some YouTube (he's watching..Coryxkenshin??)

'I can't take my mind off that boy, aonung is his name if I'm right

'Gosh his hair is amazing and his abbs UGH his abbs,'

He soon fell asleep after what felt like hours to him.

First chapter.. yay

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