Not the same Robin

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    Paris France, the city of light and romance. In this city; even during night-time, it can bring awe and happiness to most who visit it. However, south of the city there was an explosion. A few terrorists were holding a little girl hostage in a vehicle, driving towards an abandoned building. They crashed into a wall before the leader kicked a door open. The rest of them followed suit and kept on holding onto the little girl, keeping their weapons pointed at a few buildings and architecture before heading into the building. All the while, a dark figure rose against the light of the moon then seemingly flew to the building.


    The terrorists tied up the little girl, then they all started to discuss the plan while patrolling the building. One of the terrorists, after patrolling the surroundings, went up to the leader. "So far nothing, we might have even loss whatever is hunting us," he spoke in French. He saw the boarded up windows and the light that was coming through the slits. "Do you think the generals will actually give us the weapon we need?"

    "They must," the leader spoke, "Or else. We will have to go up to drastic measures," he said before giving the breath of relief. "If we are to survive, we must destroy everything," he whispered until they all heard a crash. They all ran towards the sound and was shock to what they found.

    One of their men was on the ground, unconscious and bleeding. They turned their attention towards the mirror as it was shattered, "He, it, whatever is here," the leader breathed as he then looked around. "Patrol in groups, no one goes alone," he ordered before motioning one of the terrorists to follow him. The group then broke away splitting into four groups of two. Not even paying attention to one of the broken pieces of floor above them that the shadow that hunted them started to rise from the darkness.

    Group one moves away from the group, having their weapons out and ready for anything. A cat came out, scaring the terrorist on the right as he shot at it. The left thug hit his colleges head before looking ahead. The two just continued until the shadow showed up behind them, a light shined in from a broken window on a yellow and black symbol of a bird on the middle of the shadow's chest.

    The shadow grabbed the two thugs and slammed their head's together. Causing them to drop their weapons and fall to the floor with a loud thud following them. The shadow stepped into the light showing himself to be Red Robin, the vigilante wanted by multiple law agencies and scorn to the criminal underworld. Red Robin turned his head to the left seeing a propane valve from a broken piece of the wall, that he assumed ran all around the building. He then turned around with a woosh of his cape and continued to get to work.


    Two hours later, the leader and his lackey stand guard at the place where they were keeping the girl. One of them had a gun to her head while the other stood at the doorway. "No one has checked in," the terrorist reported, "Shall we execute her?"

    "No, not yet," the leader stated as he just kept his composure before the board that covered the window broke. Red Robin grabbed the leader and pulled him put the window as the last terrorist standing, fired out of the window.

    The terrorist eyes were wide as he grabbed the girl and went back out to the hallway. He looked from left to right before he moved down the wall to the right. He then came upon the sight of barely breathing colleges with obviously broken bones. His eyes widened before holding his gun out to the shadows, not sure where the vigilante would come from. He turned around to see Red Robin behind him, the vigilante grabbed the gun and yanked it from the terrorist before he headbutted him.

    The vigilante grabbed the girl and tossed the gun to the side as he went towards the window. The terrorist stumbled a bit before seeing a riffle on the ground, picking it up and firing at the vigilante. Red Robin flung himself out of a window with the girl before raising his right gauntlet, firing a grapple line and swinging away from the building. He landed on a adjacent building and set the girl down, then after a few moments. The building exploded and Red Robin grabbed his cape and shielded the girl's eyes as he turned away.

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