12. Travel Day

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We arrived at the training ground to meet the rest of the team before we travelled together to the airport. I only slept for around 3 hours the night before so by the time we got on the team bus I was struggling to stay awake. We always had 2 buses, one for the team and another for the staff. They said it was to allow us to have as much space as possible but really it was so the staff could travel in peace. The bus could become quite loud and rowdy especially after a win.

I wasn't in the mood to join in the hilarity this early so I headed straight to a seat near the front. It was a table of 4 but I had no intention on sharing this table. Spending so much of your life travelling you learn how to sleep in small spaces. I slid my bags into the overhead storage and made myself comfy. Reclining my seat, legs up on the seat across from me. As I was doing this Leah had joined me doing the same in the seat next to me. I guess she hadn't slept great either. I probably kept her awake as I spent most of the night tossing and turning. Every so often she would wrap her arm around me  to stop me moving around it only worked for a while then I'd be uncomfortable and move again.

It was only about an hour to the airport but I somehow managed a nap. I was woken up by Leah gently nudging me, the first thing I heard was Katie's laugh.

" Alright there Cap, did you even sleep last night? You look like shit mate"

"Thanks Katie, just trying to make you look better for once" I teased back

"Aye what you been doing to keep you up last night then? Or should I say who?" She teased with a wink. Typical Katie McCabe always on the wind up.

Not even thinking about the fact Leah and I had clearly turned up together as usual or who could be nearby I shot back with a grin "Wouldn't you like to know McCabe?" before jogging off to catch up with everyone else. Since the pandemic we'd started travelling on private planes, no airport queues, no waiting around, better food it was literally the dream. I could get used to it but then I remember my male colleagues earn my yearly salary in a week. I'll stick to the occasional first class flight.

We made our way onto the plane, I'd been busy chatting to Jonas so Leah, Jordan and Katie had gone off in front. As I looked up I could see Leah sitting on the aisle seat with Katie and Jordan on the seats behind. She'd left the window seat for me knowing it's my favourite. I like to watch the clouds and see the the sights when we take off and land.

As I made my way to my seat I noticed someone talking to Leah. Katie and Jordan were now staring at me with wide eyes. I have no idea what is going on.

"Can I sit here or not?" I heard someone say, it was Sophie and she was clearly getting pissed off, looking between Katie and Jordan I could tell I'd missed something

"Why can't you just listen for once? I'm sitting with Isla. We're not together anymore, leave me alone"

"That's not what you were saying all summer was it Le" she spat back as she walked away

Sophie had hit a nerve with Leah, despite her stony game face she was one of the softest people off the pitch. I think that's what surprised other players the most when they met her. This time Sophie had really wound her up and now I need to deal with the fall out again.

Placing my bags in the storage area, I climbed over Leah to take my window seat that Sophie tried to claim as hers. Knowing it would calm her down I passed Leah one of my AirPods and my phone so she could chose a playlist to listen to. It wasn't a long flight to Germany so I stayed awake.

I posted on stories a photo of Jordan, Katie and I on the plane before catching up on my emails while Leah slept on my shoulder. I could see she'd been crying so I wrapped my arm round her shoulder and pulled her closer.

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