29. I'll Never Leave You

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Isla's POV

1-0 to Ireland. That was it, we're not going to the World Cup. All I wanted to do was go home and cuddle Charlie. I'd have to wait a few days before I could do that. Right now I have to make my way upstairs where our friends and family were waiting. I have to hold it together so I spend extra time in the shower drowning out my tears before quickly getting dressed in my Scotland tracksuit bottoms and T-shirt. Most of the team had already gone upstairs so I didn't bother drying my hair and tied it up in a messy bun.

The lounge was packed with players families and friends, much busier than I expected it to be. I thought most people would leave straight away since we'd lost but turns out they still wanted us to know they had our backs. It took me a while to make my way through the room it seemed like everyone I passed either wanted to chat or pat me on the shoulder.

Finally I found my group all chatting.
I assumed Leah had gone back to the hotel since I couldn't see her. I wouldn't blame her, there's a LOT of people around and they would 100% know who she was. I'd spoke to almost everyone when I was hugging my grandparents before they left. Glancing over their shoulder I spotted her. There she was sitting on one of the sofas with Ava on her lap. Ava's mum, Laura, chatting with Leah's mum and nan.

"Auntie Isla" she screamed while jumping off Leah "do you want to hear my secret?"

"I think that means you don't tell anyone else Ava"

I laughed bending down to her as she pulled me closer to whisper in my ear
"I stayed up passed my bedtime. Shhh it's a secret"

"Wow Ava, I won't tell anyone"

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Not tonight princess, sorry. Maybe if you're a good girl your mummy will bring you to visit soon and you can see Charlie too"

"Will Auntie Lele be there too?" She asked excitedly
Auntie Lele. Ok this is new, they'd met before but only briefly before Leah moved in with me, when Laura had brought her to a game at Meadow Park.

Before I could even answer Leah had beat me to it "Of course I will, and you can meet my dog Bella too"

Having Ava around distracted me from the sadness of the defeat until we had to leave.

Our bus arrived back at the hotel first, the team all saying goodnight as we made our way to our rooms. Again I had to go through Lisa's room since Leah still had my keycard. I'm so glad I showered straight away because if I tried to shower now I'd probably fall asleep in there. As I was getting undressed for bed, I heard the door open and Leah come in.

"C'mere you" she said softly pulling me against her and that's when the tears started again. "I got you" she whispered guiding us to the edge of the bed before we both fell backwards. She lay holding me while I soaked her jumper with tears.

"It's gonna be alright princess, I promise" she said brushing strands of hair out my face.

"I was so nervous, I made so many mistakes" I said through tears

"It's not your fault, don't blame yourself"
Pressing gentle kisses all over my face.

We were disturbed by the sound of locking on the door.
"Want me to say you're sleeping?" I love that she'd do that so nobody has to see the state I'm in. I simply shake my head and shout "come in"

Lisa and Caroline burst through the adjoining door carrying pizza boxes. The four of us sat on my bed eating pizza chatting about the most random stuff to distract us from the game. It reminded me of the days when Lisa was at Arsenal and we'd travel to Manchester to play city where Caroline played at the time. We'd all meet afterwards sneaking Caroline into the hotel. I missed those days so much.

Shit I must've fallen asleep. I've just realised I'm lying on Leah's chest. Without looking I can feel her fingers tracing circles on my hip where my top has risen up. I've no idea how long we've been lying like this. I'm guessing Lisa hasn't noticed or she'd have said something, Caroline would be more likely to wait till it was the two of us. It's strange I don't feel as anxious about them seeing us lying like this as I thought I would.

Leah's POV

My heart sank as the final whistle was blown. I know how much this means to Isla, she's spoke so much about this being her last World Cup and it's over before it even began. I remember how broken she was after Scotland were knocked out of the group in France 2019. She deserves the world never mind a World Cup and I'll make it my mission to give her the world.

As we move inside to the lounge I feel a tiny hand try to take mine. Looking down I spot Ava, Isla's niece.

"Hey mate" I say smiling at her

"Lele why you not play with Auntie Isla. Did you hurt your foot?"

"Yeah I done a silly thing and now my foot'd sore. Did you like watching your Aunt Isla?" I didn't think explaining international football to a 3 year old was the best idea at this point. She'll learn one day.

"She's the best. She took me to sing on the grass but then I was sad because I didn't get to stay to play with the ball"

"Yeah she is the best isn't she" I smiled sitting down while Ava climbs up and sits with me. Telling me all about her Isla as if I don't know her. It's cute, she's literally a mini  Isla. I imagine this is what Isla's daughter would be like if she had one. I need to stop myself as I think about potential future children. God Leah, you haven't even asked her to be your girlfriend yet and you're thinking about having babies.

I was brought out of my thoughts seeing Isla walking towards us hugging her grand parents. She loves her family so much, I know it breaks her heart having them in another country. Sometimes I think she'd return to Scotland in a second if any of the teams were good enough. It would break me but I'd understand. Family is everything. Luckily none of the teams are at the same level as Arsenal so I don't think she'll be leaving.

As Isla approached us I sent her a smile. Honestly I don't know how to act right now in front of all these people, her teammates, her family, my family. So a smile is the best I've got. Ava to the rescue as soon as she sees her favourite person (who also happens to be my favourite too) she's practically jumping on her. Their interaction makes me feel warm and fuzzy just as it did seeing Isla walk out onto the pitch with her earlier.  She'll be the best mum, she's already a great dog mum to Charlie.

The team bus had made it back to the hotel before we did. Opening the door my eyes were locked on Isla getting changed. For the first time in forever my thoughts aren't sexual seeing her like this. All I want is to hold her and protect her from the hurt.

As I get closer I notice those sparkling blue eyes are dull and grey. The smiles gone and her laugh is different. I pull her into me, whispering in her ear all the things I'd want someone to say to me in this situation. We lay back on the bed, our legs dangling off the end as she cries silently into my shoulder.

Tonight was meant to be happy, to be special. I can't ask her now not when she's in this state it'll have to wait. I'll have to call the florist tomorrow to change the celebration flowers I'd ordered to something 'less Scottish' I don't want to upset her.

Lisa and Caroline appeared with pizza shortly after and we switched on Netflix. Apparently this is tradition after a game, the three of them eat pizza in bed together celebrating or consoling each other. I'm so glad she has these girls as her friends.

Lisa smiled at me as she noticed Isla sleeping. Her head resting on my chest and my arm round her. My fingers drawing circles lightly on her hip out of habit. I wonder if they know. Has she told them anything about us?

Once the girls have left I get changed into shorts and a crop top for bed. Unintentionally matching Isla. As I climb in beside her she pulls me on top of her with a sloppy kiss. As we pull apart I move onto my side as she whimpers "don't leave me"
pulling her back against me. "I'll never leave you"

Sorry it's a shorter one. I had planned for this to be longer but I ran out of time. Back to work today and it's the Scotland vs Costa Rica and England vs Australia games tonight so probably won't update until Wednesday/Thursday this week.  Let me know your thoughts and any ideas you have x

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