22. Happy Birthday

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Isla's POV

I was back to training with the team for a week and already looking forward to a weekend off. The training had been intense as the weather in London was hotter than usual. Our first game of the season was the following weekend so everyone was keen to impress. I wouldn't be playing yet but I still trained like I would be.

It was also my birthday this weekend, it wasn't a big birthday that was last year. The second half of my 30th year had really tested me with my break up with Josh and my knee injuries. I was desperate for 31 to be a better year. I'll hopefully be playing in my second World Cup.

One of the chefs had made a cake and I had to wear a huge birthday badge through training on the Friday. All in all that was nothing compared to my 30th when a sold out Meadow Park sang happy birthday to me while a cake of my own face was wheeled out. I don't like being the centre of attention so that was hell for me. I was having a quiet weekend, dinner with Leah on Saturday then my family on Sunday, my actual birthday. I couldn't have been more wrong.

I should've realised when Leah insisted that I dress up for dinner, she used the excuse that we were meeting Alex afterwards for drinks. Leah led the way as we walked into the restaurant. We followed the waiter upstairs to an area away from the main restaurant. We'd been here hundreds of times before and always sat in one of the booths downstairs. The last thing I expected when I opened the door was the team and a few of the Scotland girls who lived around London screaming "SURPRISE"

The room had been decorated with photos of me throughout my time at Arsenal, I'm sure I noticed some photos of me as a child I'll need to look at them later. Amanda hugged me leading me over to a balloon wall saying "Isla's Birthday" insisting on taking some photos before the meal started.

Two seats had been left for us at the middle of the table. Taking my seat I looked around the room of familiar faces. I'm so grateful I have such amazing friends. I noticed Sophie sitting with Beth and Viv. I'm glad she came tonight, I know her and Leah are barely speaking the last few weeks so it's good she's still spending time with us out of training.

The food was delicious, once we were finished eating and the plates had been cleared, Amanda stood up and tapped her glass to get the attention of everyone.

"Cmon birthday girl stand up. I'm not going to embarrass you, I'll keep that for your wedding day. I think I speak for everyone in here when I say you've got a special place in our hearts. You're the most selfless person I know, always putting everyone before yourself so tonight is about you.
Happy Birthday Isla"

The party carried on at a club nearby, we had taken over most of the VIP area, Leah and Amanda had thought of everything. I spent most of the night near the bar I wanted to make sure I spoke to everyone who turned up. Sophie and I had a chat. I can't remember what it was about now but I remember us doing shots together before she ran off to the toilet. I should probably check on her at some point, she had a LOT to drink.

Leah appeared pulling me by me hand across the dance floor to a small stage. Turning round so we were face to face as we danced the night away surrounded by friends. I didn't get the chance to catch up with Sophie after she ran to the toilet. I did spot her leaving with the girl she'd had her lips stuck to for the past hour. Leah must've seen it to as she decided it was time for more shots. Not long after my social battery was drained and I wanted to go home, I think Leah felt the same.

Tonight was perfect, it's exactly how I would've planned it myself. The restaurant choice, the decor, the cake, the guests and of course the after party. How did I become so lucky to call them my 'family'

We were both silent all the way home, my head was spinning my thoughts kept going back to that single moment when Leah pulled me on to the dance floor. She turned to me and as our eyes met I felt like we were the only two in the room. I couldn't help but wonder was she going to kiss me in that moment? What would I do if she had? Would I kiss her back? I do like her, she's beautiful so why not? I was brought out my thoughts as the car stopped. Still no words were said by either of us as we made our way to the door and inside towards the kitchen.

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