19. The Morning After

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Leah's POV

As I open my eyes I'm met with the most beautiful view, as I look down the first thing I see is locks of wavy blonde hair covering my chest. I find a hair clip on the table beside me and use it to hold her hair back off her face. During the night one of us has kicked the covers off, lifting my head I can see the bare skin on her back and the lace of her underwear. Memories of last night come flooding back, that dress, the dancing, oh god I told her I loved her and she said it back. I hope she feels the same, she did say it but Isla loves everyone. She might give off bad ass bitch vibes on the pitch but she's so soft it's unreal. This is the girl who cries watching The Lion King.

I need to distract myself so I lift my phone. There's too many notifications for 9am. I'll check them later. I turn onto my side and wrap my arm around Isla's waist pulling her in closer to me. Our bodies fit together perfectly like pieces of a jigsaw. I must've fallen asleep again as I'm woken by my phone ringing "Mumma Bear" I carefully moved Isla placing a gentle kiss on her forehead before I so left the room and call her back. I didn't want to wake Isla she looked so peaceful.

"Morning bubba, how you feeling this morning? I was wondering do you want me to bring over some breakfast when I drop off Charlie?"

"That would be really good mum, I don't think we've much in. We've been so busy this week to do a food shop yet"

"I'll see you in 10 minutes. Love you bubba"

I done a quick clean downstairs before my mum arrived with Charlie. When she said she'd bring over breakfast I didn't expect her to be feeding a full family with the amount she's bought. Mum and I chat for a while, she asks about the wedding. I conveniently miss out what happened with Isla and I. I don't even know what it is yet so I don't want to jump the gun and tell my mum just yet. We speak about training and some upcoming games both with Arsenal and England.

As mum and I are sitting at the breakfast bar I glance into the hall and see Isla. Even in her hungover state she looks so beautiful, she must've found the pjs I took out her drawer last night since she's now wearing them. I was caught in another daze when I heard my mum ask Isla about last night. Isla was knocking back the painkillers so I'm guessing her knee must be playing up again. What I hear next hit me like a tonne of bricks.

"Could say that I don't remember much so it must've been good"

She doesn't remember last night. I should've known it was too good to be true. How could I think I even had a chance with her? Get a grip Leah, she doesn't like girls. You've known this for years. It doesn't make it any easier. What did I expect?

Thoughts are racing through my head. Did I take advantage of the fact she was drunk? I know nothing happened but I shouldn't have looked at her the way I did when I helped her out of her dress. I thought about her in ways I shouldn't have.


I look up to both my mum and Isla staring at me. I'm so embarrassed right now I can't even look at either of them.

"What do you want to eat?" My mums asks again.

I can feel tears welling up in my eyes, there's a lump growing in the back of my throat

"I'm not feeling good. I'm going to go back to bed. I'll get something later"

I leave the room and go upstairs, staring at the door to Isla's room. The room I've been sleeping in for the past however many months. Shaking my head I open the door to the spare room where my stuff is and crawl under the covers. All I can think about is the girl downstairs that I'm madly in love with who'll never love me back.

A while later I hear someone coming in the door and sitting on the bed. I can tell it's my mum by the smell of her perfume. She quietly tells me she's going home and that she loves me. I pretend to be asleep although right now I want nothing more than to go home with her. When mum leaves I lie sobbing into the pillow until I fall asleep.

Isla's POV

Waking up with knee pain was not ideal, I must've been dancing a lot last night. I check my bedside table for painkillers but there's none. I know it sounds weird keeping pills in the drawer next to your bed, truth is 10 years playing professionally takes it's toll on your joints. Add in a ruptured ACL, multiple knee injuries and endometriosis to the mix. Sometimes I wonder how I'm still playing. Stumbling out of bed I get dressed into a pair of pjs lying on the floor, obviously drunk me decided not to wear them because I'd woke up wearing only my underwear. I never sleep with underwear on so I must've been more drunk than I thought.

As I'm walking downstairs I hear Amanda, she must've brought Charlie home. I pour myself a large glass of apple juice to take my painkillers leaning against the breakfast bar as I pop a few in my mouth.

"Rough night Isla?" Amanda smirks while her daughter stares intently

"Could say that I don't remember much so it must've been" I laugh nervously not noticing how Leah's face changes as I say that

"Anyway I knew you girls would be a bit worse for wear so I thought I'd make you breakfast"

Despite telling her she didn't need to she insisted, saying I wasn't in a state to be cooking and she didn't trust Leah not to burn the house down. I agree, Amanda certainly didn't pass on her cooking skills to her daughter.

"So girls, what would you like to eat?"

"I'll just have a bacon sandwich please, thanks Amanda" I say giving her a hug.

"What about you bubba?" Amanda asks smiling at her daughter.

She looks like she's stuck in a daydream. It's cute when she's thinking and her forehead crinkles. She must be really thinking about something because she ignored her mum.

"Leah?" Amanda asks again before she looks up. "What do you want to eat?"

"I'm not feeling good. I'm going to go back to bed. I'll get something later"

That was weird, I can tell Amanda is just as confused as I am but she doesn't say anything. We eat together before Amanda has to leave. She goes upstairs to say bye to Leah but comes back down quickly to say she's asleep. Typical Leah, she loves a nap.

It's a warm day so I sit outside with Charlie and a large glass of water where I fall asleep on the sunlounger.

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