Part 1

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Boros lay defeated on the ground in a pile of rubble, breathing heavily as a shadow fell over his cracked form.

''You're still conscious. You really are strong'' Saitama said in a monotone voice.

''The prophecy held true, the battle was...hard fought'' boros said with the little strength he had left

''Yeah, it sure was'' Saitama said not facing him

''You lie'' Boros said with as big of a smile as possible

''You had strength to spare, i never stood a chance'' Boros said

''It wasn't even a battle, so much for prophecies. You were too strong...'' Boros said, going quiet

''Thanks for the fight'' saitama said beginning to walk away

''Wait saitama,......i want to give you something''

''What is it?'' Saitama asked turning around to face him

''I am going to give you all the knowledge i have gathered over my 150 years of traveling the universe'' Boros said as his eyes were almost empty

''No thanks, im good'' saitama said turning around again

''It's too late, the process has already begun''

''What'' saitama said before a pillar of light struck him, hurting more than any physical attack could

Falling to the ground, screaming, Saitama held his head, feeling pain after so long, but not as he'd hoped

By now the ship had been shaking so much that the ship was falling out of the sky now, but saitama didn't hear it and even if he did he wouldn't have cared as he was in too much pain through the light.

When the ship had hit the ground a certain blond cyborg ran up to the ship

''Sensai!'' Genos said leaning up to the side of the ship, but there was nothing

''What are you doing now tin-man'' tatsumaki said floating next to Genos

''I am looking for my master''

''That gobstopper'' tatsumaki said ''he's not here, even if he was he'd be dead''

''No, master Saitama is far too powerful to be hurt by a falling ship, i hear something'' genos said forming his hands into guns

Thousands of rounds of ammo were fired at the wall but it didn't even chip

''Get out of the way metal-man'' Tatsumaki said, using her powers to grab the wall with her psychic power. ''Man this is heavy'' she said which was unusual for her

With a final grunt the lifted the wall off and landed it off to the side, which left her panting

Rushing into the hole, Genos made his way through the labyrinth of hallways

Coming to the center of the ship, Genos came to a large throne room and kneeling down clutching his clear, bald head was saitama who was over the throne which he had landed on and had shattered from the force

''Sensai'' Genos said rushing to his master's side ''are you alright?''

''Yeah, just a little light headed'' Saitama said getting to his feet

''It would be wise if you would allow me to carry you home'' Genos offered

''No thanks, i can still walk'' Saitama said

''What are you doing in here baldy'' came the voice of Tatsumaki as she rounded the corner

''Whats a kid doing in here, shouldn't you be in school or something'' saitama remarked wandering who allowed a child to enter a danger zone

''You knitwit, im 28'' there was a tick mark now that could be clearly seen from any angle

"Sure you are but for now i think i should bring you to a daycare, or do you know your parents phone numbers?''

The tick mark was so huge you may as well replace her head with it

''Listen you insufferable egg, i am the tornado of terror and i could rip your head off of your shoulders with a mere thought'' she shouted across the room to the smiling hero

''Sure you could''

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