Part 4

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"Your universe?" Saitama said easily sidestepping one of the attacks launched at him "i don't see your name on it"

"H-how, that attack could destroy a solar system" Bang said shocked that this bald guy had just sidestepped one of the most powerful attacks in the universe

"Reality is a box and we are all inside this box, you do not stay in the box, you make holes and crawl through them into other boxes leaving us alone to deal with ourselves while you enjoy yourself in these other boxes" Saitama stated completely ignoring Blast "it's not fair for us to be stuck here to deal with ourselves but your the only one who knows how to crawl through the holes so i shall not kill you"

Bang heard before he fell to the floor gritting his teeth to contain his scream

Saitama had destroyed his legs so fast he hadn't even seen him do it but he could hear the noise in his head of his bones cracking before combusting from the force and he could tell there was force because half the park behind him had been destroyed leaving a black mark on the surfaces, like someone had scraped the color off and had revealed the black undercoat

"So that's what the universe really looks like after you remove the illusion of color" Saitama had spoke like he had been expecting this

Of course to any passerbyers (which there weren't any) they would not see the lack of color

Only the two beings in the park could observe the missing color due to the power required to break the visual barrier

"No, I will not let you win" blast said while gritting his teeth

"I wasn't asking for permission but I am growing tired of this, thank you for the fight but I have to end this now" saitama said before blast fell unconscious

Of course blast and saitama knew it wasn't a fight, a fight means there's a challenge and there was no challenge in the interaction

Carrying the unconscious form back to the ship saitama left the body next to the others and made his way to the control room

Grabbing one of the battered communicators saitama spoke into it "බෝරෝස්, send another ship, ordering all troops to planet -2370464853"

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