part 7

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A buff green goblin rushed through a pair of golden lined doors

"Great Rimuru, some kind of portal has been opened in the field overlooking the town" the go lin said to a blob of blue slime on the table In Front of him

"Portal? Has anything come through?" It responded

"No, not yet, but we better get there quickly"

"Agreed" the slime said

A wolf monster appeared out of the shadow belonging to the slime and the slime hopped on top and they rushed outside

Sure enough a blue portal near a tree was floating about a foot off the ground with small blue electric sparks coming off of it

As the bystanders were watching a bald man in a black and red jumpsuit walked through it

"Who are you?" The slime asked as the figure fixed his gaze on the slime

"Am I right in assuming that you're in charge here?" The man asked

"Yes, I am Rimuru Tempest, I am the Ruler of the Jura Tempest Federation" Rimuru said, taking on his human form "and who might you be?"

"Who, me?" The guy said acting dumb "I'm no one important, I'm just the destroyed of universes, the god destroyer, the multiversal nightmare, as I said, no one Important"

"What? What do you mean 'destroyer of universes'?" Rimuru asked

"Well, I am Saitama, and that is all you'll need to know little girl" Saitama said

"First of all I am not a little girl and second of all, if you want to destroy this universe you'll have to go through me" Rimuru said, taking on a defensive posture

"No I don't, but I'll fight you anyways" Saitama said 'i'll go as easy as I can on the kid' Saitama said and with the blink of an eye Saitama disappeared

'Dang it, this guy's fast' Rimuru thought as he looked in all directions for his opponent

Seeing a sliver of red from behind Rimuru spun around with his arm out

"BEELZEBUB!" Rimuru shouted

A black substance began to spring from Rimuru's hand and with luck beyond what is possible he actually caught Saitama in it

Sucking in the black substance and Saitama with it Rimuru turned towards his friends


Saitama was in a black void

"Rimuru actually used it on a human, huh" came a voice from behind Saitama

Turning around a giant black dragon stood watching from above

"Where am I?" Saitama asked

"You don't seem surprised at all to see the storm dragon" it said "you are inside Rimuru, you will be trapped here until the end of time or until Rimuru lets you go" the dragon said

"I don't have that kind of time" was Saitama's response

With Rimuru

"Well done Rimuru" a tall woman with pink hair and a horn said "you saved the universe"

"It was nothing" Rimuru said, rubbing the back of his neck "now let's get ba-"

Suddenly Rimuru's back half exploded, leaving a massive hole in his back

A red boot poked through the whole and soon the full form of Saitama followed

"I'm-impossible" Rimuru said as he melted his back together again

"I have destroyed universes and you think you can trap me in a pocket dimension?" Saitama said

"I've had enough of this universe" and with the push of a button the universe began to break down, bending reality as it crumbled, pushing Saitama through the portal again

"Usually I would find entertainment in a fight but trapping someone in a pocket dimension I just unfair for weaker appointments" Saitama said as he placed his hand inside the glass pipe on the side of the machine

A golden light began to flow through the pipe and into Saitama

The golden light was the energy from the universe and with every passing second Saitama became more and more powerful

"So much energy and for the small price of the destruction of everything in a universe" Saitama said as he absorbed the energy

Turning to the engineer again he said "one or two more universes before we start farming energy, make the next one good" Saitama said as he walked away

Still shivering the engineer took out his electronic pad displaying all the universes

"I better ch-choose a go-good one or Saita-tama will have my head decorate the po-portal" the engineer said

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