Part 8

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The portal was started up once again

As saitama stepped out of the portal he was met with a very familiar street

He walked a bit further and there was no denying it

There was his apartment, his favourite shop and over there was the housing complex he hated

He was now standing in his original world but if he hadn't become the ruler

This was obvious because first of all the sun was shining down, there were trees and because the old lady that ran the grocery shop was walking down a side street

In his universe the old lady had been killed in the events his rise had caused so it was nice to see her again, she always have him deals

'if this is like my universe there should be a Saitama around' Saitama said

Dissapering in the blink of an eye he reappeared at the door of his complex building

Quietly opening the door he snuck in and was almost spotted by Genos

As Genos investigated why the front door was slightly open Saitama snuck around him into the living room

If Genos was here that was a good sign

Laying on a beanbag reading a manga was none other than Saitama himself

"Hello" Saitama said to his idiotic self causing the other him to turn around

"Who are you, and why do you look like me?" Saitama asked his goth looking self

"I am you, but better and I am here to prove it" multiversal Saitama said, taking his opportunity

"Your me huh" Saitama said "sorry dude but I won't fight a fan"

This caused the multiversal Saitama to get slightly annoyed

He remembered how he thought people would like him but now he knows the only way to get people to like you is by force

Raising his fist he turned to the nearest was and slightly nudged, causing it to go flying through several other apartments

Saitama looked at Saitama with a look that could kill

"Outside now" Saitama said to his multiversal self


"You'll pay for breaking my wall, I don't care if you are a fan" Saitama said

Vanishing and reappearing Infront of his multiversal counterpart, og Saitama landed a hit on Multiversal Saitama

Looking up he was surprised to see that Multiversal Saitama hadn't even moved a millimetre

Jumping back a small smile broke out across his face

"You really are me, this will we fun" he said before dissapering and delivering serious punch after serious punch to multiversal Saitama

but through it all multiversal Saitama didn't move a muscle

Drawing back, taking heavy breaths he looked up to observe Multiversal Saitama

Multiversal Saitama didn't have a scratch on him, not even a bruise

But the same couldn't be said for the ground around them

Where as before they were standing in a city the power of the punches had destroyed everything and now they were standing in a desert

"My turn" Multiversal Saitama said and with a flick of a finger og Saitama exploded leaving only one

Turning back he traveled across the world to the island of Ireland where he had brang several people

While og Saitama was making his first move of coming towards Saitama for the first punch Multiversal Saitama had moved around Japan collecting key figures and brang them to a safe place

These key figures included Genos, second Tatsumaki, Garu and the old grocery store lady

He would like to bring these people with him

But what made his heart flutter was what he didn't find

Across Japan he searched in 0.000000001 seconds and one thing he didn't find was Boros's ship

That meant this universe was either behind or there was no Boros but Saitama sincerely hoped it was the first one

Opening the secondary portal near him he stuck his head through and told whoever was there to take care of his captives

Passing the unconscious bodies through the portal was easy but now came the fun bit

Turning his head towards the sky he squared down and jumped up

His momentum pushed him through earth's atmosphere and into outer space

With his massive power increases breathing became unnecessary to him

7 hours later

He found it

It was surprisingly easy to find the ship

It was apparently on it way to earth and was conveniently directly in his path

Saitama stood on the hull of the ship and as he did he took in the reflection it gave of the red giant Infront of it

Reaching a fist through the hull he created a hole and jumped inside

Aliens ran in all directions, shouting orders, telling him he will be defeated and such

but Saitama just walked past them and headed straight to the throne room

Pushing the door open he saw what he could only describe as a heart warming view

Boros sat in his thrown, learning on his arm looking as bored as always

"Who might you be?" Boros asked the hairless ape

"I am Saitama, and I know very well about you, you were the strongest person on your planet so you looked for a worthy challenger, an old fortune teller told you there was one who could match you and now you search for this warrior, did I get that right?" Saitama said staring at Boros who now seemed a little more interested

"That is correct, how do you know that" Boros asked

"Because I am from another universe and I was the warrior for that Boros's, he gave me his knowledge and memories" Saitama said not intending to hide anything

"So that means you killed that Boros" Boros said standing up "so I'm guessing you want to kill me too"

"No actually, I am most grateful for you other universes knowledge and now I wish to do something for you" Saitama said

"I want you to come with me to my dimension I have conquered, I have warriors that would provide you a good fight and I would love to have your help running the place, what do you say?" Saitama asked

"And if I refuse?" Boros asked

"I will be destroying this universe and if you stay you will be destroyed without finding a worthy challenger" Saitama said "you would of course be allowed to bring your crew"

"I accept" Boros said after considering it for a minute

Opening the portal again he got Boros and his whole crew to enter with minimum complaining

When everyone had gone through Saitama pushed the button on his wrist and suddenly he was standing Infront of the portal again surrounded by Boros and his crew

Turning to the mechanic Saitama gave him a smile and said "well done, I enjoyed that"

The engineer released a deep breath and turned away "I did it" he said to himself, just relieved he'll be seeing another metallic day

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