Part 11

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As Saitama sat on his throne he contemplated the future of his empire and his own future

"Sorry to bother you sir, but there's another universe we couldn't destroy" one of the engineers said breaking his train of thought

"First of all I see you've gotten over your stuttering, good, and how is there another one?" Saitama asked

"Well this one is protected within a larger multiverse that holds 12 universes, we've also detected three powerful celestial being inhabiting the multiverse" the engineer reported

"Three celestial beings you say, what are their power levels?"

"Well I'd put two of them at the level of an omniversal being but one of them is just a multiversal being" the engineer said

"Interesting, boot up the portal, I shall enjoy this fight" Saitama said standing up

Walking over the a small closet he pulled out his red cloak and put it over his shoulders, facing towards the mirror he looks himself up and down and starts towards the portal, there was no rush

As Saitama stepped through the portal he found himself standing in a colorful place with a large palace and floating obelisks with colorful balls above them

Looking closer at the balls Saitama said quietly to himself "so that's what a universe looks like from the outside"

Walking towards the palace the slid one of the thin door open only to be faced with some blue guy with a halo

"Mortals are not allowed in this place unless summoned by grand zeno so I must ask you to leave" the blue guy said

"And who might you be?" Saitama asked

"I am the grand minister, I am zenos advisor and one of the strongest being in the multiverse, after zeno of course, but that is not important, I cannot have mortals walking around like they own the place so I will have to get you to return to whichever universe you crawled out of" the grand minister said as he blocked the door leading inside

"So you're one of the three, that makes my job easier" Saitama said as he raised his fist

"Do not be foolish, mortals like you will only get hurt if they attempt to-" he started before having his head smashed in and having the rest of his body bury itself into the body of the large jellyfish they were standing on causing it to shake due to the pain

"The move Garou taught me still works on Multiversal beings" Saitama said as he looked down into the bloody hole he had created in the "ground"

Walking inside and entering several rooms with only some weird guard guys which he easily defeated he didn't find much until he eventually came to a throne room with two little weird thing he couldn't even describe sitting on the two thrones

"Who's that?" "I don't know" "do we know him?" "I don't" "what's he doing here?" "Maybe he's lost" the two things said to each other

"Is one of you the zeno I've heard about" Saitama said recalling what the minister guy had said

"I am" "I am" they both said at the same time "we both are"

"Whatever, I just have kill you two then" Saitama said

"He wants to kill us" "he's funny" "why does he want to kill us?" "Maybe he wants to become the king" "we should hold another tournament" "with more fighters" "and bigger explosions" "and-"


"That's rude" "we don't like rude people" the two weird beings lifted their arms up into the air and a glow started emanating

"Goodbye" they both said as the light got more intense

The zenos were alone again

"Who was that guy?" "He's gone now" "how did he get here?" "Where's the grand minister" "I don't know" "I'll call him"

Blood splatter onto the walls and onto zeno as future zenos head exploded

"I thought I told you to shut up" Saitama said with his hand outstretched

"No!" the other zeno said, sad that his play friend was dead

"I hate it when beings like yourselves look down in me, you always think that I can be defeated like any random person and I'm sick of it, you don't even check, you just assume I'm dead and forget about me" Saitama said extending his arm out again

"I've had enough of it and I'll be changing that starting with you"

As Zeno was mercilessly murdered it wasn't going much better within the universes

"Are you alright Whiz?" Beerus asked as his advisor collapsed, "he's gone, the grand priest is gone" Whiz kept repeating over and over again and It was the same for most, if not all of the angels across the universes

"Something's wrong" a tough voice said from beyond the borders of the multiverse "the two kids are gone, I must investigate"

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