Chapter 1

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*New York City, 2021*

"Crap." Theodora cursed herself and started running through the maze. Her scarlet gown fluttered by the wind. She holds the hem of her gown and continues running as if trying to escape. A silhouette was right behind her. Since the maze was so large it's harder to find each other.

The heels were too tall and her feet was hurting. She took of her heels and tried to catch her breath. "Aaow.... It hurts." Suddenly she heard the rustling of the grass. And footsteps approaching. She ignored the pain and started running again. "Hmph... You won't find me. You're that confident? Let's see."

The maze has lot of secret passages. So it's very hard if someone is lost unless the person is an expert to find the right direction. A cool breeze swept across her skin made her shiver. She hid listening to the moments and when it was clear, she ran towards the end of the maze.

The moon shined brightly and there were little fairy lights were hung up on the trees which is a cool aesthetic to this evening. Shimmering gold as a cherry on top. 

Theodora realised that she was reaching towards the end of the maze. She chuckled to herself in her victory. "You thought I didn't find you?" A velvet whisper heard from behind.

She turned around and saw him. He was very tall wearing a black tuxedo with a bow tie. He is a handsome brunette who is the owner of extraordinary black eyes. Theodora furrowed her brows. "What do you want?"

"I knew you would come to places like these. Gardens are your weakness. It's been 8 years you haven't changed." John said with a grin. His thick dark eyebrows arched.

Theodora frowned. "Heh... You haven't either. Still being the narcissist. And the lady's man."

John roared with laughter and looked at the sky. "How fast the time has passed?" He looked at her with a smile. "Theodora, you still hate me?"

She looked at him and smirked. "Of course. Who would love you? Tell me any situations where you being nice to me?"

John thought for a while. He can't remember any. Theodora said. "Bad memory? I'll reminsce it for you. Ever since in middle school you made my life miserable. And being the perfect nice boy to my dad, mom and George."

"It was in the past."

"Past or present however you made my life miserable. I hate you." She stomped her bare feet in the grass and tried to stroke her arms because of the bitter cold. He approached her slowly and tuck her hair behind her ear. "What are you doing? Let me go."

He ignored her words and removed his jacket. She shrugged. "Ooh trying to be a gentleman? No need."

"Keep quiet." He put the jacket over her shoulder and glanced at her for a while. "Why are you looking at me? Like that." She asked.

John kept his distance and didn't say anything. Theodora said, "fine. Keep your silence to yourself." She left the maze leaving John alone. After walking for a while she rewinded the past events inside her head.

As a part of the fund raising gala sponsored by the Interim corporation in New York, Theodora who is a journalist was invited to attend the event. Formalities are quite common to events like these. So she dressed herself to look charming. She showed the invitation to the guard and they let her in.

The press reporters were surrounded at the CEO of the Interim corporation regarding their huge profit gained by endorsing the new product. "Mr. Haynes, tell us how you feel at this moment?"

The man who has a shoulder length hair grinned with a smile. "Quite contented as you can see. Our company is now entered into the next phase of success."

Theodora rolled her eyes and continued to drink the champagne from her glass. "Miss, I hope enjoy the evening?" A blond young man said with a smile.

She smiled formally. "Absolutely."

The man picked up his courage by taking a deep breath. "Would you mind if I accompany you for today? You're not used to have a man's company do you?"

Theodora grinned, "apparently not. But I'm way out of men's standards. Sorry to disappoint you but I think you have to work hard to impress me."

The man excused himself with a polite smile respecting her declination. While she listening to the boring press conference she saw a familiar face looking at her with a grin. She averted her eyes and cursed herself. "Not this brat again. I thought I will never see him again." She talked to herself. His gaze was penetrating and she felt like she was being exposed. The press reporters approached him. "Wow, its Mr. Roberts. The famous surgeon who led the mission of heart transplantation from Seattle to New York." The journalists whispered.

Theodora shrugged. Although she is a journalist too, but today she give her profession a leave. Mostly girls are hovered over Mr. Roberts. "John Roberts, I heard you and Mr. Haynes are friends." One girl asked.

John smiled, "I'm afraid I have to excuse myself, Miss."

John tried to excuse himself, but another journalist asked. "You're 33, still an elite bachelor as per your profession. Have you thought about settling down? Or are you reserving your heart for that special person?"

John grinned. His eyes were on Theodora. She just rolled her eyes ignoring his eye contact from the distance. "Miss, I'm keeping my private life and my profession separate. Beg you would excuse me."

One male journalist asked, "it was a risky mission. How strong is your will power to take risks?"

"It depends on how much you're willing to take a scoop. You need to have courage to mentally prepare yourself. My presence in this evening is from the invitation of my dear childhood friend Mr. Thomas Haynes."

The female journalists gasped and squealed. They are excited because of the friendship between the two handsome men.

"Doctor, you haven't answered our question about the special person in your heart. In the interview with Le Figaro about influential men's article you said this person taught you to believe in yourself." The young female journalist looked at him with a gleaming hope.

John said with a smile, "yes, of course. She is by the way presented here in this evening."

"She? Is it your girlfriend?"

John looked at Theodora again. When the reporters turned around to see who the person was, Theodora gathered her courage and ran away from the hall. The clicking of the heels echoed throughout the hall. The reporters were behind her eagerness to see who the person was.


She ran outside and saw a large maze in the big garden. Best way not to attract less attention she went inside the maze and this is where the story begins.

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