Chapter 4

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*September 2014*

During lunch break in school every students were on the playground and while John was on his way to the music room for joining the orchestra team to play for the talent day. Suddenly his friend Darius came into running. "John, John come quick."

"What is it Darius? Breathe." He patted his shoulder.

Darius said after catching his breath. "A kitty is stuck on the tree near the meadow path and Theodora climbed onto the tree to catch it. Thomas said that he saw  the other day she was giving food and water to the poor thing."

John shrugged in annoyance. "This silly girl."

He then took a small cardboard box for the little kitty and ran towards the place where Darius mentioned.

"Mozart, come here, boy. I won't hurt you." Theodora coaxed the little kitty but it was too shy to approach her.

"Theodora, what are you doing up there? Come down." John yelled.

"Meow, meow." The cat meowed with fear.

"Mozart, it's dangerous. Come to me, boy." She said.

John then groaned and let out a sigh . He climbed on to tree  carefully and approached the branch gently picking up the kitty. "I'll do it. Go down."

Theodora jumped down from the tree and looked upward. John coaxed the poor thing. "hey hey I got you."

The kitty hissed in annoyance. John then passed the kitty to Theodora. "Put him in that little cardboard box. "

She saw there is a little bed for the kitty to rest. Gently, Theodora placed Mozart onto the bed. "Naughty boy, why did you climb onto the tree?"

The kitten meowed. Soft meow was too adorable for the ears. John jumped from the tree and crouched down next to her in the green grass. "Are you silly? What if something happened to you? Look, you got a cut on your hand. Why are you so clumsy? "

Theodora huffed. "John, I'm okay. It doesn't hurt. How did you find me here?"

John snapped her forehead. "Darius told me. I came here to give you this little bed. It's still a baby, and winter is approaching it might get a chill. He needs warmth." John stroked the kitty's back and it purred softly. Then he reached for her hand and covered the wound with antiseptic and  blowed softly. Bashfulness can be seen in her face." Does it hurt?"

Theodora shooked her head. John said, "there won't be any next time." He covered the wound with a bandaid.

"I don't have any place for him to hide. Mom won't allow it because I'm allergic to cats." She sneezed after saying that and used her handkerchief to wipe her face.

"And this person wants a kitty as a pet. Why? John grinned."

"I love him." She picked the kitty up and touched it's nose with hers. "How naughty you are, Mozart.

John laughed softly. He took his Polaroid camera from his uniform jacket pocket. He can't miss this moment. He snapped various pictures of her playing with the little kitty with a smile. She laughed and fed the little one strawberries.


After looking at the Polaroid for a while John said, "Mozart come here."

The cat jumped to his master in a second and stroked its cheek against his thigh. "Meow."

"Naughty kitty. I have to buy you new cat food. After all I haven't broke that promise to look after you." John patted it's back and the cat meowed softly enjoying his caress.

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