Chapter 4

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It was quick to make the ceiling collapse over us. The tremor knocked me over on my side as I fell over a knocked-over chair. I screamed as everything caved in. A large chunk of cement crashed over my side and hip pressing my side into the chair. Slade had dived to safety dodging falling debris. The compound was too far underground for the explosion to reach the surface though I'm sure the surface above us rumbled like an earthquake,

"Slade...Slade!" I screamed out blood on my lips as the dust began to clear. Panic welled inside me as my lower half was wedged between a now broken chair and a piece of the roof. Red lights from above the doors began to illuminate the pitch-black room as I began to hear grunting from a pile of rubble. Not only that but I began to hear feet running through the halls, a raid. We were being raided. I prayed Slade would get to me before whoever had attacked the base. I beat myself up for putting my faith and trust in Slade but I knew he would save me. I attempted to squeeze my way out as Slade finally resurfaced finding his way to me,

"You look terrible." I had to say while still struggling under the rock. He looked worse for wear, bruised and battered from the explosion,

"You're not looking too hot either." He grunted lifting the concrete off of me as I rolled off the chair into the floor panting for breath,

"Come on, let's go." He started looking for a viable exit for us, "I said come on." He uttered once more,

"Slade." I huffed out,

"What?" He turned with a red face at me, angry,

"I can't get up," I admitted, all the strength in me gone. His features softened as he extended his hand to me, I took it firmly letting him lift me up to standing. I was determined to walk forward when I slammed into the floor without even a full step,

"Oh geez, Dick!" He threw his hands in the air as I flipped myself onto my back going in and out of consciousness, my head pounding and my ears ringing,

"Oh shoot!" He rushed to me when he noticed the deep gash on my side. Picking me up he cradled me under his arm as he began to run into the hall, At every intersection, he was looking both ways. Avoiding the enemies who were marching down the halls attempting to find us. I could barely keep my eyes open as he tossed me around. He came to a halt behind a wall, the enemies nearer than ever. I groaned in pain, his hip digging into my side,

"Shut up." He forced his hand over my mouth. My arms dangled as did my head and legs. I was completely limp in his arm which I'm glad now that I had lost thirty-some pounds or this would be so much worse on him. His hand remained on my mouth until the enemies had passed before us,

"Did your half-passed-out-self just lick my hand?" He asked in disgust, wiping his wet hand on his chest. Yes, yes I did, even in my half-conscious state I still lick the hand that feeds me. More like licking the hand that beats me to a bloody pulp and takes away my food. Anyway off the subject of licking Slade. I began coming in and out for longer periods of time.

"Hey, hey-" Slade grabbed my chest, shaking me awake. I opened my eyes, my body leaning up against the door and window of the getaway car we were in. I was nestled into a large jacket of his, the hood hanging over my head,

"Hmm," I uttered my head falling forward as I threatened to pass out again,

"You got to stay with me, birdie." He pulled my half-torn mask from my eyes. One hand on the wheel as he sped down the road,

"Mm can't..." I dozed off, feeling the excruciating pain in my side not only that but the rest of my injuries,

"Dick!" He yelled, I jolted up with a yelp as my side moved too much,

"Stay with me!" His voice was as concerned as I had ever heard it. The car came to a halt, he turned it off and got out, coming around the car to open the door and unbuckle me, letting me slide out with my head on his shoulder and my shoulder in his chest as he looped his arm under my knees and the other around my back. I remember him going through a door then an elevator and down a hall, I think we were in an apartment building. He unlocked a door before quickly closing it behind him and locking it up.

He laid me down on the bed, my arms sprawled out beside my head by the force he had set me down with, he must have been getting tired. Just then he looked into my face seeing the tears streaming out of my eyes as I cried in pain. He half flipped me over to untie my corset before putting me back how I was. The stupid corset was probably the only thing that kept me from bleeding out. I let him sit me up as he slid off the top half of my suit and then laid me back down. Now he could see the full extent of my injuries,

"You might want to pass out for this one." He politely spoke grabbing out an industrial-sized first aid kit I took that as my opportunity to completely crash.


Opening my eyes I began to look around the boring apartment before looking at Slade who was sitting at my side, watching me, his eyes unwavering from me. I notice I'm on clean sheets and in a clean shirt now. He had taken off my cargo pants now I was just in my black shorts,

"Slade..." My scratchy voice left my lips,

"Yes?" He perked up, "what do you need? Do you need water?"

"I need you to let go of my hand." Mine and his eyes lowered to his hand entwined with mine, his grip strong on me. He was quick to let go, backing up in his seat, "what happened?" I questioned with confusion painted on my bruised-up face,

"We were attacked, they were looking for the device." Slade explained, "Thankfully the three were cleaning up a crime scene, so they were not there during the explosion."

"The compound!" I shot up before regretting it. I yelled in pain as Slade reached out for me but I already had set my arms behind me to keep my torso up. My eyes landed on his hand that lay on my abs,

"It's okay, we're at a safe house, I have extras of everything in my safe houses."

"Who were those people?" I dropped back onto my back,

"Two face."

"Two face?"

"He's at odds with Penguin right now."

"And it has to do with that device?"

"This device." He held up, "is deciding all the villains into two factions. Both sides want this thing and would do anything to keep the other side from getting it."

"And we're working for Penguin?" I tried to understand,

"We're working for whoever pays more and right now, that's Penguin."

"Well that's all fine and dandy but-" I lifted myself once more only to cry out my hands grabbed his collar as I hunched over in pain,


"No nauseous." I covered my mouth, turning green,

"Oh no." Slade was quick to lift me up and into the bathroom where I proceeded to vomit my guts up then, I died.

Just kidding

I lived sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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