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I dribbled the ball forward dodging a tackle from zoe and passing the ball to Izzy on my right.

A sudden twinge of pain went flared in my ankle and I stopped my frustration buzzing through me as I limped to the sideline. It had been building up the whole training session but I gritted my teeth through the twinges until I couldn't ignore them any longer .Zoe glanced over at me with pity and my ears burned with every pat on the back from my teammates as I walked off the pitch.

"Can someone take Devon to go get iced up?"coach called.My blood boiled I really didn't feel like ruining a friendship when I snapped at whatever well-meaning friend was about baby me and be my personal pity party.To my surprise before I could discourage my coach ,Mirabelle of all people chimed up in answer."I'll take her." she sounded as nonchalant as ever and the last thing  I wanted right now was to talk with Mirabelle she was already riled up enough.

"I think I can walk myself to the med bay coach."I tried my best to keep the sharp edge from the voice.

coach seemed to sense it but let it slide which just infuriated me more.I wasn't some child throwing a tantrum.

"Nevertheless it's a safeguarding issue ."

I started to march of trying to hide my limp while Mirrabelle jogged to catch up with me.Before she was even within half a metre I said."I'm not in the mood ok."

"Whatever you say princess."She clipped right back and even though she was behind me I knew the exact smirk now aimed at the back of my head.The rest of the walk was spent in my ragful marching ,the occasional pain sprialing up my leg and Mirabelles leisurely cat like stride behind me.

When we got their I sat on the bench while mirabelle hoisted herself onto the counter and threw me an ice pack from a the medical box.

"Do you really have to break any rule possible in order to maintain your impeccable reputation."

"Says you your whole personality is just being perfect at everything."She teased back.

I took of my boot and painstakingly peeled down my sock over my swollen ankle trying not to hiss in relief as I touched the icepack to the angry skin.We sat their a minute in comfortable silence but of course Mirabelle had to open her mouth and ruin it.

"You know no-one expects you to bounce back like nothing happened straight away."I looked up at her face framed by two blond ringlets cheeks still red from practice and her coffee eyes,they were too soft,her voice was too soft.A bitter taste filled my mouth. For the past few weeks everyone had been trending eggshells around me like I was so fragile I'd blow away in the wind or I was some kind of injured animal they had to be wary around.My parents,my brother ,my coach ,my teammates and now Mirabelle too .I'd hoped at least she disliked me enough not to give me pity. I snapped away from her face throwing the ice in the bin and begging to pull my sock back on.

"Why are you here anyway."I didn't even bother to hide the bite in her voice.

"Maybe I just wanted to get out of training early," Mirabelle replied the earlier softness devoid of her voice as if it hadn't happened. What I would have given to not get of training early ,to not have to turn around and walk halfway through my usual run morning after morning after morning.

I gave her a disgusted snort as I continued to try and wrestle my boot onto by foot wincing at the pain.I definitely should have iced it longer.At this point Mirabelle swung forward of the counter and stalked out the door.I felt the smallest twinge of guilt it wasn't fair I was taking out my anger on her this had nothing to do with her.

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