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After that I walked home to clear my head but I just got madder and tired at every jolt of pain I gritted my teeth through as I walked through the afternoon sun.The days were getting longer now but summers ruthlessly hot sun hadn't set in.Finally,after fifteen minuets, I got home and rumaged through my sportsbag for my keys only for my mum to open the door.

"Oh Devin I was just going to pick you up ,your home early."Her brows scrunched together."Was everything ok at practice?"

"Everything was fine mom."I strode past her into the house,my ankle screaming in pain as I make my limp but I could tell she noticed the ghost of it.Her brows furrowed further.

"Devin we talked about this you have to take easy for a few months .ok"

I'd prised of my cleats and was heading up the stairs by the time she finished her sentence gritting my teeth,calling over my shoulder.

"I'm taking a shower."

"You're not going for a run tomorrow morning ."Came my mum's reply, "and bring your washing down."

I locked the bathroom door behind me and let out a sigh rolling down my sock to inspect my ankle.It looked angry and I definitely needed more ice.I'd have to bribe my brother into sneaking some up to my room without my mom noticing again.Then I stripped down turning the shower to freezing before getting in instant calm washing over me.I'd read somewhere cold showers were good for you but I could never have guessed the pure blissful  blank and fresh feeling  it temporarily yielded me.I closed my eyes letting the silky water run down my face and feel the little icy stabs that sent clarity and shivers running down my body.After a minuet or too just standing I began to scrub the mud of my shins and forearms,then the sweat of the rest of my body.

I heard my mums yell from downstairs.

"Dinners ready come lay the table."

Quickly rubbing of most of the water with a towel ,shaking out my hair and rapping the towel around me before going to my bedroom.I snatched a sweater and sweatpants of the floor and pulled them on before going back for my balled up football gear and heading downstairs.Despite soaking my jumper cold wet hair was a pleasant feeling on the back of my neck and it felt comforting as I laid the table in tow with my brother .

Then we all sat round the table as my dad brought in the curry he had cooked.I coaght a wiff of the intoxicating smell and my mouth watered involuntarily.

"So how was practice debs ?"My dad asked.

"Yeah it was good I replied ."then looked to the dish trying to change the conversation."So what did you make."

"Chicken curry ,how about you hoow was school?"He gestured to my brother .

"Me and jaiden were setting up a dnd campaign in maths actually and we nearly finished."

"In maths?"My mom raised a dissaproving eyebrow at him.

"Yeah maths .I already know all the stuff they're teaching me and I am soooo bored."

"Still you can't just be talking in class with Jaiden you might be distracting other people."

"It's not like we were being disruptive."He muttered under his breath.

My mother chuckled a little .

"I don't pretend to understand how dnd works but what were you guys working on."

"The damage points on the final nymph and Jaiden was finishing his character design on it."

I'd seen the pictures Jaiden had done and I had to admit they were pretty fantastic.Dnd Was my brother and Jaidens latest project and my brother seemed to have picked up the game design pretty easily.

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