Chapter 3

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I ought to hear chipping birds on my window, I rolled over laying on my belly, I was still in bed half sleeping and the sound of my curtains being drawn had me opening my eyes, but the sunlight sipped in, and I shut my eyes closed. I disliked this intrusion and my space was being invaded and who dares enter my fucken room unannounced. I got up as I slept fully naked, I came face to face with Roslyn.

“You need to stop sleeping like that.” she pointed out to my nakedness and I could have careless as I slept on my own in my room.
“And you need to stop coming here unannounced." she simply ignored me, walking to my wardrobe, pulled out a robe and handed it to me.

“Caroline asked me to come here and assist you get dressed.” Mother liked doing this, and it was pissing me off.
“Tell my mother I can dress myself, am not fucken two.” Roslyn simply laughed her heart out as though I were joking, why did she even come here where is Asher her mate didn't she need to tend to him?

“Oh, I'm not moving here until I'm done dressing you…Luna's orders.” I grabbed my tawl walked straight to the bathroom, Roslyn was looking through my wardrobe and I hated it she was going through my stuff. I entered the shower, letting water run down my skin, I washed up real quick. I needed to meet with my father and find out what he was planning to do with the humans. I got out and brushed my teeth. I stared at myself in the mirror, and I hadn't looked at myself in a very long time. I was different. I was no longer the little girl that everyone felt sorry for the inconvenience.

I came out of the bathroom I found Roslyn holding some dresses that did not belong to me, I looked at her confused, she bounced her curly hair and cleared her throat.” I decided to lend you my dresses, as you really have no lady style in your cabinet.” I did not like dresses, I wore Denim and leather. " Roslyn, there's no fucken way I am wearing that.” she looked at me in disapproval, she picked an up a black dress.” Language Aurelia, please put on this one, at least it's your taste of style as it's dark.” I liked black, but in a dress I would be a joke and mom would not let me breath. I snatched the dress out of her hand. I put it on, it hugged my body revealing my curves and if I had to fight this was going to be a problem.

“Omg This dress looks way better on you, and am not just saying.” she took a hairbrush and lipstick, but I put a hand to stop her.” you have done enough, I can take it from here.” she nodded, seeing how uncomfortable I am she put them back in her bag, she grinned at me as she fixed the dress”I'll see you downstairs don't you dare change.” how did Asher handle her, I tied my hair into a ponytail and we both walked out.

Asher came to us, he stopped and stood there looking at me for a moment, “she really turned you into a lady.” I did not need this attention, they both smiling at me made me a bit uncomfortable. “Get over it am doing this for Luna.” we entered the conference room, this place held the leading members of our p.c., My Father sat next to my mother watching everyone and well, to my surprise, Kaden was here, and he just had to interfere in our p.c. business. He sat next to his beta, there were a couple of people in the room as I sat down next to Asher and Roslyn.

Four guys walked in, I could tell they were human and sat down, one of them whispered that his uncomfortable being here unaware we all could hear him and surely that's how anyone could feel in a room full of werewolves, they were life sheep in a lion's den.

“I would like to apologize for keeping you all.” A voice boomed in the room, catching all of our attention, he walked straight up to the centre of the room, I could see him clearly his scent was overpowering me and I felt my wolf fighting me to acknowledge him our mate.

I have never felt like this as I was at war with myself trying to keep my wolf calm, but how was he controlling himself right now. His wolf was barely there, but I could smell him, the scent was different, but it was there, “we understand and Mr. Hales, we did not wait long, I want you to explain to us what is it you plan with the land you bought.” our alpha did not waste any time.” I am a businessman so I plan to build a shopping complex that will serve helpful as you have very little stores here, and you have to travel far to get the things you need.”his eyed landed on me, and he swallowed real hard and I shift in my chair trying to avoid staring at him back.

"Mr Hales, we are a private community. We like our peace here, and I feel this sort of business would be helpful, but it would attract many people from other places to invade our solitude.”Father was being polite, Mother whispered something to Penelope, one of the elders seated at the table.

“I hear you, Mr William, but if there had to be people coming to this side it would be to visit the shopping complex and I would make sure no unwanted visitors come here to your community.”
He was determined and I saw no backing down.

“If we were to ask you to sell us the land, how much would you be willing to settle for?”it was Simon who asked the question Mr Hales smirked as one of his men handed him a file, and he was paging through it.

“I am not looking to sell, but this was an introduction, I am simply informing you of my plans and I don't need money. I run many businesses which provide me with that.”we were given pamphlets with his business idea and the opportunities that it would bring to our community. This was not what we required as we had a secret to hide, and he knew too well as he was like us, but there was something different.

I could see Kaden did not like the idea, but that was none of his business, but father was worried, and I needed to think fast, how was it that he could not recognize me? Did this mean his wolf was weak.”this forest you want to tear down to build your business is over two hundred years, and it has our ancestors are buried there, it holds memories, and we love its nature here.”
I spoke, and I needed to stop this man with this idea as people would get hurt.

“she right, we will not let you build here.” Penelope supported me and followed by many cheering to that.
Kaden looked at me with admiration. I simply looked away from him.

“That will not be necessary as I said this is an introduction and I have well-informed you all of my plans. Now I will be going forward to prepare, that land belongs to me and I shall use it as I please" He simply spoke to my father, and he wanted to avoid being disrespectful.

Mr Hales decided to speak alone with my father. I was curious about what kind of man he is, as simply never recognize his mate and what kind of wolf lived among humans.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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