wrong number-WAIT WHAT?!

19 0 0

Oviee : hey dude, so I won't be coming in today can you think of  something believable to tell the teacher?

Oviee : and before you go to school can you tell me how to stitch a stab wound? I got hit pretty bad and it's bleeding a ton!

Oviee : dude, are ya gonna let me oof or nah?

Oviee : if you don't answer imma spam your phone!

Oviee : hello

Oviee : Hola

Oviee : bonjour

                                                                ??? :
                               Hey can you stop spamming me, you got the wrong number- WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GOT STABBED?!

Oviee : wait so your not #####?! And what do you mean by stabbed? Who's stabbed? Never heard of him.

                                                             ??? :
                          Stop lying, you just said you got stabbed!! Go to a hospital instead of texting your friend!!!

Oviee : sorry, no can do, and since your not #####, do you know how to stitch a stab wound?

                                                              ??? :
                            Fine but you better explain... (insert how to stitch a owie cuz I have no idea how to)

(Timeskip brought to you by meh)

Oviee : OK I'm good, no need to spam my phone...

Oviee : but that FRICKING HURT!!!
                                                           ??? :
THANK THOR YOUR ALIVE! But I bet that hurt... but how did you even get stabbed in the first place!

Oviee : uhhh I well...

Oviee : I was heading home from the store and I was then pulled into an alley and some dude was trying to take my money but jokes on him cuz I used all my money on food so he got mad and stabbed me in the leg, he was rude so I hit him with a rock and ran! >:)                                                 
                                                           ??? :
Okay but now how did you even text me. My phone has a strong firewall.

Oviee : oh I just hacked it. I thought it was ##### trying to mess with me, plus if you call that THING a firewall... it needs updated cuz it was ez to get through.
                                                           ??? :
So since you were talking about a teacher your most likely a kid who is able to hack one of the most protected firewalls thinking it was your friend while you got stabbed?

Oviee : hey! I'm not a kid!

                                                           ??? :
And where's your proof for that statement? Cuz I see a lot of evidence against it which proves your a kid.

Oviee : I- well does a little kid know how to read code? Like a 5 year old gremlin?

                                                          ??? :
True, but imma need your age to prove it and some other details to know your not a threat.

Oviee : *dramatic gasp* you think I'm scary? But also STRANGER DANGER!!!

??? Has been changed to Stanger danger by ?????
????? is now offline

                                                          Stranger danger :
Wait kid!- and their gone...

Stranger danger is now offline

( A / N, I had fun making the first chapter so If you enjoyed please stay tuned for more! )

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