Pirate Raid

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In the Yellow Dwarf, in the city of Patch.

Ruby's voice begins to narrate the description of the first character. At one of the tables, a deathly pale woman with a dark halo floating over her head wearing handmade black clothes under studded leather armor sits with a pseudodragon tear into a turkey leg. As she eats, she couldn't help but notice a couple of the other patrons around her who weren't like the rest of the unfriendly crowd of 20 around them. Her name is Zanro Dastod, the Blood Hunter.

Weiss' voice begins to narrate the description of the next character. Two tables to her right is a Light Purple Tiefling with black horns out of her white, wearing both fine clothes and chain mail as she drinks a white wine. Her bowl of braised chunks with some kind of cream sauce on it came to her from one of the owners of the tavern, a dwarf female who has a blonde five-o'clock shadow. Her name is Cherish Riverweaver, the Cleric.

Blake's voice begins to narrate the description of the next character. Another at the bar drinking by themselves by the sigh of them not talking with anyone but the incredibly ugly elf man who gave them their drinks. A tiger pattern Tabaxi female dress similar to a pirate from the Menagerie Coasts. She was drinking some kind of Ale, but kept scanning the door with each sip. Noticing a rabbit foot on her next to a binder of darts on her right hip while a shortsword on her left. Shadow of a Star of the Awoken Mountains, the Monk. The scene pauses as we're in a room with a large table and six people around it.

"What's with the long name?" Yang asks her partner.

"From the info I was given, Tabaxis names are more akin to poems than normal names." Blake defends herself, causing her partner to look at cat faunus before continuing the introduction.

The others were a pair sitting at a table of half-elf and goliath females dressed in a green dress in a Kuroyuri style and hiding armor. The half-elf seems to have a bag full of leaves as she eats her salad while the goliath is pounding her right foot as she eats her grilled rabbit. Her name is Zane Riverguard Nola-Kuthea, the Barbarian.

Jaune's voice begins to narrate the description of the last characters. The last group was at the front as both a Leonin and a Drow sharing a Rotisserie-cooked Turkey. The Drow dresses in black and purple outfit as Leonin is in black fine clothing and silver color armor. His name is Drexon Emberclaw, the Paladin.

Zanro was about to order a drink when she felt something in her head. She looks down at the pseudodragon who looks her in the eye before another thought comes. 'Danger'.

Before Zanro could ask the tiny dragon what she meant, a deep gnome runs in shouting. "Sir Drexon! Sir Drexon! Pirates are attacking!" This causes Drexon and Drow to stand from their seat and rush out the door.

Knowing the danger that is about to come to the town Zanro shouts out. "Scarlet!" The dragon hops onto her shoulder as she and a couple more patrons rush out of the tavern to where the pirates are surely coming from. An explosion erupted above a building in front of Zanro as well as the patrons she noticed before. Getting up she notices 7 human pirates rushing, she looks around her and notices all but the Tiefling were still on their feet as she made her move.

Zanro pulls out her light crossbow and aims straight at the closest Pirate, the bolt pierce through his shoulder. The push made him fire his own light crossbow, missing the Shadow causing her to notice and throw a dart at him. The dart pierced through between his eyes causing him to fall on the ground.

The Half-Elf shouted out to one of the Pirates, "You Sea Bastards could only get hard by raiding!" While one seems to wince, he and the others fire their light crossbows at everyone. While most of the bolts missed their targets, the one who aimed for Zanro caught her throat. In a state of fear, she grabbed onto the bolt as she fell to the ground as Scarlet stayed by her side.

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