Chapter eleven

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Hawks pov

When I woke up it was still dark out, 'damn it I wanted to actually sleep till morning tonight' I thought to myself and looked over at dabi who was up and doing something 'why's he awake?' I wondered.

I watched as he swayed to a song in his head while looking around trees. I was even more confused when he climbed up one and walked between trees.

I got up and stretched then followed him through the air.

As I was watching him he missed a branch and fell but somehow he caught himself perfectly. He pulled himself back up and continued with what he was doing.

"What are you a monkey?" I asked as I flew by him.

"Holy fuck Takami you scared the shit out of me" He said trying yo keep his balance.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare ya" I said as I landed on a branch.

"Well you did" he said.

"Sorry love" I said and chuckled softly.

"Why the fuck are you up so early?" He questions as he keeps moving.

"Cause normally I'm up and working" I said as I flew beside him.

"Fair" he said as almost fell again.

"Careful" I said as I landed beside him to catch him.

"I got it" He said as he pulled himself up "been doing this years, Plus if I fall it's just a few broken staples nothing I can't fix"

"For someone who's done this for years you sure do stumble a lot" I said.

"Barefoot" He said as he wiggled his toes in the air "I have bad balance without shoes on you knew this" he continued.

"And so do you, why are you doing this barefoot?" I asked.

"Cause I didn't wanna put shoes on and you are also barefoot" he appointed.

I looked down and realized he was right "well I have wings so I don't need to have shoes on" I said.

"And I have good reflexes" He continued till he jumped down.

I rolled my eyes and flew in front of him "what are you even doing anyway" I asked as I flew backwards.

"This was one of the places I stayed when I left as a kid so I'm just letting the non traumatized part of my inner child play" he said as he continued doing random shit.

I chuckled softly and landed on a branch then started jumping with him messing around.

Once again the dumbass is a clutz and tripped over sorting backwards and caught himself in a backbend. I just watch in amazement as he just stood back up and continued on,

"You're very interesting to watch" I said catching up to him.

"Thanks!" He said cheerfully, still dancing around to that song in his head.

I smiled and flew beside him again, happy to be able to see this side of him.

He was just having a blast. It was so cute.

As I was distracted watching him I ran into a stupid branch "ow damn it" I said as I stopped for a sec and held my head.

"You ok pretty?" he asked.

"Yeah, I haven't done that in a while though" I chuckled softly.

"Trees," he said, pointing out the obvious.

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