Chapter 1 The Beginning

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The sound of Chatter can be heard in your cabin. Fluttering your eyes open you see the pink wooden ceiling looking right at you. Once you sit up every noise being made stopped. What the-"   Miss Y/n!" yelled one of the recruits. You stare at her drowsily wanting to put your head back on your cold pillow.  

" I, Candy, have a very important message for you!" Candy shouted as highly as she could. The smell of Candy's breath wasn't sweet. 

  "What is it Candy?" you say while rubbing your eyes since they were glued shut.

" You were selected for that position at that other camp." Candy said whispering fidgeting with her pink fluffy fur. Her ears dropped down and she began to sweat.

I stare at her surprised, you did apply but you didn't think they would accept you. It must've been because they had a lack of leaders. Possibly.... perhaps..

 "They want you to arrive there before its dark." Candy said while exiting the cabin and slowly closing the door. 


Did she just say before night? Well SHIT you better hurry! I grab my red uniform and pack my necessary materials like arrows, snacks, clothes, etc. I putt everything in my backpack and ran out the door. I see all of the female recruits  cheering on for me in a line all the way to the exit. A sense of sadness popped up but you smiled and waved your goodbyes to your fellow friends. You jog around the dirt land, on your tippy toes. 

    You sometimes took breaks near rivers and continue forward. Even though you left early in the morning, you were seeing that it was getting dark. You wiped your sweat off your forehead. Looking at your F/c fur you see that your drenched in sweat. Aw man-

I felt embarrassed as I probably smelt horrible and you didn't want to arrive and make a bad impression. You see that there's a large green hill. Your near.

Climbing up that mountain was just pure pain as your joints were killing themselves. You try to get closer but you just couldn't. You see a blue and purple bear talking to each other, but you couldn't make up what they were saying before you knocked out on the seemingly soft grass. 





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