Chapter 2 This place is disturbing

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   You feel your Bones ache like they'll snap if you got up

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   You feel your Bones ache like they'll snap if you got up. Looking around you see a pink ceiling that looked very much like the cabins at the females camp. You slowly start sitting up looking around. You immediately see a blue beautiful bear, it seemed like he really cared for his appearance.

      He was reading a book, You gazed at him realizing it was a bible of sorts. It contained reasons of why unicorns are horrible creature. You've read it before but you didn't really pay attention what the book talked about. All you knew was that unicorns were dangerous. 

      You speak to the blue bear, "Hey Blue, am I at the male military camp?" You say. Your voice was as raspy as chalk on a board. The bear takes his eyes off the book and squints at you for sometime. He gets up from his chair, and walks out with his book. Then you see two bears come in. That purple bear that looked like a priest and a brown bear who had a leader uniform. 

   "Aren't you that woman that was supposed to arrive today?" The lavender bear asked. 

 " Of course she is father! Are you a idiot she's wearing the same uniform as me." The brown bear yells. Whacking the priest with his bare hand on the head. The priest stumbles almost losing his balance. 

   " So Miss Y/n, You're going to help me with my recruits correct?" The brown bear questions looking right at you. 

  "Once I'm able to move, I'll be sure to do that." You say sighing. You plop your head back on the pillow. You can sense that you have bags on your eyes. Oh how can you do this to your poor eyes. Plus, you couldn't bare the horrible smell coming from yourself.

"Well you smell like shit, so be sure to take a bath before Its morning as we are going to be training the recruits." The brown bear states as he starts walking away. The priest following right behind him.

" Can't I at least take a day off until I feel better?" You question since you doubted you feel better in the morning. 

" Oh I wish we all could do that, but no, you can't" He says while shutting the door closed. You look around the room as you couldn't process what has happened so far. You get up from your bed, feeling like you'll trip on a little pebble.  You got out of the cabin looking outside. You can see that it was still very dark and you could hear bickering somewhere. 

    You looked around to try to figure out where a bathroom may be. Since you memorized the map of the camp. When you applied for the job. You walked through all the cabins that contained recruits. You finally reached the bathroom. You were immediately disappointed on what you saw. It wasn't as clean as you've expected. It was disgusting to say the lease. You took off your uniform and placed them outside as you didn't want them to touch the disgusting floor. You look around and turn on the shower. The water was warm and you can feel the water wash away all the dirtiness off your fur.

  Then the realization hit you. You don't have a towel and you didn't bring your backpack. Fuck you turn off the water shivering while pacing around. Maybe just maybe no one will see you if you run for it. I mean It's dark outside and the recruits should be asleep. You put your hands together and breath and you run out the door. 

   You feel  the coldness touch your skin threw your own fur and your bones were screaming. Though you kept on running for it. You speeded through the many cabins until you here talking. Well shit. You look around the corner seeing a panda and a bear with large teeth. Talking and laughing with each other blocking your path to the cabin. You look around as quickly as you could seeing a church. You feel as lucky as a clover. No one would be at a church at this time of night. You ran towards the church.




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