➥Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 :
🜲 The Entrance Exam 🜲

[7 years after the 'accident']

"Do your best okay, Kei!" My brother said with one hand up in the air and a cheerful expression splatter on his face. I turn to him and say, "I will" a small smile form on my face.

"Going already, Keiko?" Ms. Nozomi, one of the orphanage staff ask. "Yeah" I replied. "Don't wanna be late for the exam"

"Make sure you take care of yourself and don't get hurt badly" She reminds me. "Yeah yeah, I know" "well, gotta get going. Bye!" I ruffle my brother hair and leave

(Then he never returned /j /not canon)

Hi, my name is Atsuki Keiko, and I'm currently making my way to the UA High. You see, being a hero isn't what I want to be. I want a normal job and draw all day.

Sadly, all of that change after what happened to my parents. I was 8 when that happens and uh yeah... Not taking it good. To make it even worse, the villain that responsible for it got away.

So yeah, half of me want revenge and the other half just don't want other kids to experience it.

It's a win win, I think...


"EVERYBODY SAY YEAH!!" The voice hero: Present Mic say. If the auditorium is not quite as dead, I would shout 'hey' at the top of my lungs. Trust me, I will. I am happy that I can see that hero again. How long has it been after the accident again?

Anyway, the greenette besides me are mumbling something about the hero which earn my respect. You could say I'm myself a big fan of Present Mic.

Present Mic start to explain about the exam and robots that we have to fight, which gonna be hard, given to the fact that my quirk aren't really for combat. Especially non living things. Guess I can only count on my ability to levitate things. Yay dizziness 

[At the exam place thingy]

he exam starts, and oh my god, I want to perish. I've been crushing robots and throws things at the robots with my levitation. Which resulting in me feeling very dizzy. I stop counting after the 10th robots that I destroy

There's a lot of people here. All of them got some interesting quirk.

As an example, this ash blonde kid literally can explode stuff. I'm pretty sure he's the sludge victim.

There's also this pink girl that can produce acid. Pretty cool not gonna lie.

I continue to float around, looking for more robots to destroy. The annoyance of waking up this morning has become the fuel to my anger and I'm letting it all out on this damn robots. Also the anger of Akia leaving us but let's not talk about that.

"WOAH THAT HUGE!" I heard someone yell. I look up and, oh. my. god.


I proceed to fly away. There's no way in hell I ever win against that thing. Nuh uh, not risking it-

"HELP!" Someone scream. I turned around and see that pink girl. Her leg stuck under the robots pieces.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way to her, fast. Touching the pieces, and move it away. I grab her hand and pretty much just yeet her as far as I can away from the gigantorous robot and fly away safely.

Don't worry, she's okay. My levitation allow me to control the movement of object. Or in this case human. So she pretty much got a safe landing.

Unlike me, who crashed down the floor due to dizziness. Luckily there's no serious injury, just some scratches and bruises.

"Hey are you alright?" The girl ask.
"Kinda, just a bit dizzy. How about you?" I ask her back, face still planted on the floor. "I'm good. Thanks for saving me"

"No problem" I replied

she tried to help me get up which is not successful at all and I need to hang on her so I don't fall.

"I'm Ashido Mina by the way" she introduced herself. "What's your name?"
"Atsuki Keiko" I answer as we make our way to the gate.

"Nice to meet you, Atsuki"
"Nice to meet you too"

We end up talking to each other until it's time to go home. We managed to switch number and now I finally have someone outside of the orphanage in my contact.

To be honest I don't really know how the conversation start. She just started asking me questions and I just replied. Then boom, we're talking about other things. I'm not gonna complain tho.

I managed to get home safely. After showering, I proceed to crash on my bed. A nap would be good.

802 words

Author Notes :
Hi, thanks for reading. Feel free to correct any spelling mistakes.

Criticism is allowed and are appreciated \o/

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