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Paring: Sam x Gn!Reader
Summary: The Reader, Sam, Colby, Amanda, and Mackie go to the Stanley Hotel together. Amanda believes a spirit is targeting the reader
Note: R = reader, C = Colby, S = Sam, A = Amanda, M = Mackie. This is to make conversations easier, the spirit box/spirit will be in bold.
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The duo of Sam and Colby had once again managed to convince me to come with them to the Stanley Hotel, but it would be just us three as Amanda and Mackie would be meeting us there. Now I'm not the biggest fan of doing paranormal investigations. If I'm honest I only agree because thanks to my not-so-little crush on Sam I couldn't say no, it didn't help that he promised he'd protect me if anything went south. Yet none of us were ready for what was to come.

Once we had gotten to the Stanley Hotel, I immediately felt uncomfortable. All I've done is lay eyes on the hotel, needless to say, I was nervous. What I didn't see was the shared look of realization between Sam and Amanda

Unsurprisingly Sam and Colby had booked what are said to be the two most haunted rooms. Of course, I didn't fully believe they were the most haunted. Colby handed out the room cards. Me, Amanda, and Mackie were in one room together while Colby and Sam were in the other. I was a little sad I didn't have a room with Sam, especially since what he said and how I feel, but that's not important it's time to start the investigation.

We all agreed on starting in Sam and Colby’s room. Once we were in the room, Sam started getting the equipment that was needed out of the bags, while Colby was explaining to me, Amanda, Mackie, and the camera what we would be doing. I freaked out and was startled because I felt something lightly touch my back. I turned about to see nothing was behind me. By my reaction, it was known something had happened.

Colby was the first one to say anything. C: "Yo, you good?" I was still a little startled but I told the what happened. R: "yeah just felt something touch my back." This made Sam panic a little, he said he'd protect me and it didn't help I was already startled. S: "Wait, we haven't even started yet. Hey Amanda can you see if whatever touched them is here still?" Sam didn't seem too happy about the situation. A: "It’s not. Whatever it was must have left when they reacted to begin touched."

Colby and I could tell Sam was getting a little angry and worried so Colby tried to calm him down and reassure him. C: "Brother, it was probably nothing. It's happened to us and it was a one-time thing. They will be fine, I'm positive." This seemed to work a bit but it was clear Sam was still upset. His response was mumbled. S: "Okay...let's just get this over with."

We nodded and agreed. Sam had grabbed the efm and the spirit box. Amanda stayed close to me so if something try and touches me again she might be able to see it and stop it. Sam turned on the emf and passed it to Colby the turned to the spirit box and turned that on and kept it. He then spoke. S: "Alright let's see if we can get anything. Amanda could you let us know if you see anything?" once again I didn't see the shared look between them. A: "Yeah, of course."

We had been waiting for around ten minutes and nothing. The spirit box nor the efm had given us anything. I felt like something was watching me, so I leaned toward Amanda to ask her. R: "Hey, Amanda is there anything in the room? I feel as if I'm being watched." Amanda looked around before answering. A: "If there is something, it won't let me see it." That didn't help my feeling at all.

Suddenly Mackie had an idea. M: "Guys, I have an idea that might get us something from either the spirit box or emf but Sam might not like it." We were all a bit skeptical, especially Sam. C: "Alright, what is it?" Mackie glanced at me before answering. M: "The only thing to happen the whole time we've been here was them getting touched, so we should give them the spirit box or emf and see if that gets us anything." This didn't seem like a very good idea.

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