╰►Investigations Gone Right?

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Paring: Seth Borden x reader
Fandom: Seth Borden/Sam and Colby
Summary: The reader agrees to go with Sam, Colby, Kat, Stas, and Amanda to the conjuring house and Seth happens to be hanging out there.
⊱ ────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ────────── ⊰
A couple of days ago Sam and Colby had invited you to go with them and a couple of friends to the Conjuring house. Now this wasn't your first time going on an investigation with the guys but you still found it a little creepy

The day had arrived. It was time to investigate the Conjuring house. You'd been told by Sam to pack a small bag. Colby was the one to let you know that it was almost time to leave. Sam being the responsible person he can be at times asked and made sure you and the rest of the group had everything. Then it was time to leave.

You had to wait for Sam and Colby to do their intro before you could go inside the house. A few other people were hanging around, yet one, in particular, had caught your attention. He was gorgeous. He had dark, shoulder-length hair. His smile was beautiful and his laugh was even better. You didn't realize you had zoned out until Kat tapped your shoulder.

You looked at her only to realize she has caught you looking at the very pretty guy. Kat had a smile that gave it away, but all she did was whisper "we are talking about this tonight." You just shook your head and looked at the contract the owners gave everyone. While looking it over you could hear Sam and Colby talking about it and freaking out a bit

Sam had put down the camera so everyone could sign the contracts so the investigation could start. You took this as a chance to glance over at the guy that you were looking at earlier only to realize he was looking at you, so looking away quickly you put your focus on the contract in your hand.

After a few hours of investigating everyone agreed on taking a break. The group went to the main room to talk about what they had got. You without realizing it zoned out again and didn't fully know someone had sat down next to you until you glanced over and saw him. The very guy that had been on your mind.

He was smiling and looking at you while introducing himself. Seth. You finally learned his name. Of course, you told him your name only to find out that he knew your name thanks to Sam and Colby trying to get your attention.

You were a bit embarrassed and apologized. Seth just ignored the apology as in his mind it wasn't necessary. What shocked you was the reason Seth came over to you. Turns out Seth thought you were super pretty and that you seemed amazing, but more importantly he wanted to take on a date.

At first, you thought it might have been a joke but the look on Seth's fave said otherwise. Of course, you told him yes and explained how he'd caught your attention when you and the others first arrived. Phone numbers were exchanged and a little more talking happened before Sam got everyone's attention letting them know it was time to start investigating again. What you didn't catch was the shared look between Sam, Colby, and Kat. They shared a knowing smile.
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Have fun, have a good day/nice, and take care of yourself, you are important. Peace - Lunarッ

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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