The Big Night

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The night was apon the Obama-Styles family. This was one of Harrys biggest performances in a while. Their daughter, Daisy got dressed up and followed Harry and Obama to the car. As the car drove past the forum, the family watched thousands of people file into the building.

Obama and Daisy showed their backstage access passes and helped Harry get stage ready.

"I'm all good now, you guys get up the VIP booth." said Harry.

Harry didn't want Obama psyching him out before his show, he was already on edge because he did something last night that he shouldn't have done, gone through all of Obamas stuff.

Harry invited Louis and Larry to the show. And of course, he put them in the VIP booth, because those were the only tickets available, so Louis and Obama would come face to face again, and Harry knew Barack wouldn't like it, but whatever.

Louis and Larry made their way to the VIP booth. Obama looked over his shoulder to see them approaching the booth.

"There's no way Harry gave Louis VIP tickets" Obama thought to himself.

But to his surprise, Louis and Larry were cleared to come into the VIP area.

Anne and Gemma, Harrys mom and sister were also in the booth. Louis greeted them like they were HIS in-laws. Weird. Obama thought to himself.

All Obama could focus on the whole show was Louis dancing to Music for a Sushi Restaurant. Obama couldn't help but wonder why he let Louis up here, he understood Larry, but Louis?

Harrys performance was amazing, he preformed the classics, and stuff from his newest studio album. The show was nearing the end, and Obama was excited to see Niall and Harry do their new song, even though he's pretty sure the song was about someone else.

Niall came onstage, and the crowd went crazy. They started singing their new song, Harry looked up at the VIP booth. But then it hit Obama, that's why he invited Louis, so he could debut his new song to him. Because his lyrics were about him!

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