Louis Point of View

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I was at the concert and Harry and Niall came out onstage, I was just as surprised as everyone else in the stadium because I didn't know Harry and Niall were preforming.

They took the stage and told the audience that the song they were about to sing was a new song. I sat back and started listening to the song.

Harry looked up at the VIP booth, and most people would assume that Harry was looking up at Obama, but for some reason I couldn't help but think that he was looking at me.

"So far along this road, I never really knew how much I liked you, its all coming to light" Harry sung.

And that's when I knew, the song was about me. I didn't really understand why Harry was so open about giving me a VIP ticket, because we were kind of keeping our distance and I thought it was just to escort Larry, but now I'm beginning to think that Harry invited me here to sing his song to me live, because it was about me.

The song ended, people scattered out of the forum and I was left stunned. So Harry did care about me after all?

Although there is a slight chance the song could metaphorically be about Obama, I was almost sure it was about me. I just related to Harrys lyrics too much.

Larry and I were about to head to the car when I got a text notification from Harry.

"Niall and I are going out for drinks, would you care to join us?" It read.

I could be awkward, but Harry, Niall and I go way back.

Larry went back with Obama and Daisy to their house whilst I proceeded backstage and went to congratulate Harry on an amazing performance.

But when I got back stage, Harry seemed a little distressed.

"Harry? Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just odd that Barack didn't come backstage after I performed, he always comes back here as soon as the show ends with Daisy. And he's not here." Harry replied.

"Did you happen to catch if they went anywhere else? Like a washroom stop or something?" Harry asked me, sounding hopeless.

"Sorry Harry, I saw them leave, I actually know they did because Larry went with them for the night." I responded.

Harry tried to look like he just shrugged it off when we all proceeded to a nearby bar for drinks. We talked and talked for what seemed like hours, because it was.

Talking with Harry and Niall was a huge throwback to the one direction days, and in all of that 1d nostalgia, I remembered what me and Harry had, a young relationship dating all the way back to 2010, and then Barack came into the picture and ruined all we had.

Then a thought that I had previously blocked out came back to me, that's why I tried to stab Barack, I always thought I did it because I was young and stupid and I didn't know how to react to stuff. But no, I did it to protect myself and I did it for love.

I pulled Harry aside when Niall went to the toilets because there was no way that we could go on without clearing the air about this.

"Harry, that song you played tonight with Niall, was any of it about me? Because it seemed a lot like a love song and the lyrics weren't reflecting you and Obama, just being honest." I told him.

"Oh, Uhm.. this is a little awkward but the song is actually about family, and friends keeping us grounded. I could see how you would misinterpret that though, sorry Louis." Harry told me as he took a sip of his drink and looked around the room, seeing if Niall was back from the toilets.

Wow, that was a huge kick in the nuts. But what about the letters? Harry must've found them by now and I'm surprised he hasn't mentioned them yet.

"I did find all of your letters from prison Louis, and I just want to apologize on behalf of Barack for being so cruel and hiding those away, so I could never respond. And I know that's why he's not returning any of my texts or didn't come backstage after the show, because I think he knows that I know." Harry told me.

That was a lot of information at once, and by the time we were done unpacking what's happened in the past 3 days, Niall had come back from the toilets and wanted to play a round of air hockey.

So the rest of the night was full of laughs but also a slight awkwardness between Harry and I, because we both still had questions, and lots of them.

Hobama Love Story Continued Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora