Shattered Hearts

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Aegon struggled as he was being held by a knight that took him to the black cells. It was dark but the cells were filled with staff that looked down as he was being dragged by the cells.

"I could have known... you are to drunk and to far buried into a whores cunt to ever be King" He suddenly heard coming from one of the cells further up, a voice he distinctly knew as to be his grandfather's Otto Hightower. Aegon looked down as he was dragged into the cell only a few feet away not responding.

Otto sighed "a poor excuse of a man you are..." He spat.

Aegon turned his back to him and slumped down on the cold floor and sighing.

"And now our whole plan is being fucked over by the blacks... because of you!!.. you drunk cunt!" Otto yelled.

Aegon just slumped down further and buried his head between his hands just shaking his head.

Aemond hadn't said a word but stayed standing in the corner of the cells with his hand clasped behind his back.

When Otto didn't get a reaction out of Aegon he turned to Aemond.

"And what about you hmm?! How could you let this happen? I thought more highly of you Aemond... I really did" Otto spoke.
"Stop" Aegon whispered.

"What?" Otto sneered "And what are you going to do about it?" He taunted Aegon by laughing.

Aegon trembled with anger and shot up "It is over can't you see you blind fool!" he yelled.

Aemond let his hands fall and stood behind his brother.

Otto laughed again "It is not over when I say it it... you are still alive aren't you? You can still be crowned King if we can slid Rhaenyra's neck before she can get her bastard children or her grubby whore hand on the crown-" he said gritting his teeth.

"Grandfather is it OVER! I do not wish to be King everyone knows that!... I am not cut out to be King!" he spat out looking at Otto with dull emtpy eyes.

"We all know that you twat!" he screeched. "Of course you are not cut out to be king! You are a drunken asshole and by the seven even when you are not under the influence of wine of whatever you drink what good would you do boy!!?" Otto spat out.

Aegon cringed at the words of his grandfather.

"you are a weak excuse of a man Aegon... a very weak excuse of a man" Otto laughed, not out of fun but in a taunting manor and it made Aegon's heart crack its last cracks before fully falling apart and sinking down on the floor hugging his knees.

Aemond turned to look at his brother as the laughter of their grandfather rung in both their ears. "Aegon?" He whispered looking at the crumbling man in front of him.

Aegon looked at him with sadness and tiredness in his eyes and he let his head fall between his knees as he sat on the cold floor of the black cells, silent sobs came from him and Aemond stood frozen to the ground.
He knew his brother to be a nasty cunt of a man with no feelings after he taunted him for all the years he was without a dragon, all the time their mother had shown her disinterest and hate towards her oldest son. Slapped his face whenever he had mistreated or raped another one of the servant girls. How their father never gave them even a glance of his eyes.

He resented his brother for everything. He hated how he was a drunken cunt, whoring around flea bottom while their sister laid in her birthing bed. How he maybe had held his children once or twice in their life.

But mostly he hated him as he was going to become King. How could they let him become king? Who in their right mind would do that. He felt jealousy seep through his anger. How could they just pass him of. The second son yes, but the one who indulged in politics, history and the sword He knew that they were both a product of their surroundings and maybe if they had more love from their father and mother it all turned out different. But they didn't and it destroyed them. All four of them.

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