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"Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of her name, queen of the andals and the first men.... Lady regnant of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm" Ser Rylan spoke. A new Queen's Guard Daemon had appointed, one of the very loyal men of the city watch.

Rhaenyra smiled as she entered the throne room. It had now been cleared since the morning and filled by the sides with long tables and chairs. The tables filled with the same lords and ladies from that morning all drinking and having fun. Talking to each other and laughing. In the middle the floor was cleared for dancing.

And in front of the throne stood a long table with a big wooden chair in the middle.

Her chair.

Her chair.

The table was already filled with most of her kin, Daemon seated next to her. Next to him Luce and Rhaena. On the other side of Rhaenyra, Luce, Baela and Joffrey were seated.

Alicent and Aegon were not present but Helaena and Aemond were. Helaena sat next to Rhaena and Aemond sat on the last chair on the side of the table next to Helaena.

All were deep in conversation, even Aemond seemed engaged in a conversation with his sister and Rhaena. Joffrey was playing a game with Baela and they were laughing. Daemon was laughing with Luce. The only one seemingly not having a good time was Jacaerys. He had a frown on his face and looked very annoyed.

Rhaenyra took her seat and smiled at some of the lords that gave her a smile and a nod as they raised their glasses. "Jacaerys what is the matter" She murmured.

"Am I nothing to you now mother?" he spoke through gritted teeth.

Rhaenyra sat down fully and whipped her head around. The crown shifting a little with her aggression. "What?" she softly spat.

"You gave Luce and Rhaena Driftmark, Aemond the position of master of laws... the green bitch and her spawn the promise of a good life? Aunt Rhaenys the title of hand?.. and me? Nothing?" He said raising his voice.

Daemon looked over and wanted to speak but Rhaenyra shushed him.

"Don't Uncle.. you are not my father!" Jace spat and he stood up his chair scraping the floor loudly.

"Jace please!" Baela said tugging his arm. On the other side Luce looked at Jace and back at his mother. Nobody dared to utter a word.

Rhaenyra took a step closer to her oldest son "I didn't 'give' anyone anything! Driftmark was always going to either one of Laena's children!... and as for Prince Aemond, he is my brother and a very educated man.... And you? You are my son! My Heir! Isn't that enough for you?" she spoke in a harsh whisper.

Daemon sighed and looked down with a slight smile on his face.

Aemond chuckled and put down his cup.

Jace turned his gaze towards him "Now you don't have something to say? Hmm? Fucking cyclops" he roared.

The whole throne room had went silent as Jace raged on.

Aemond stood "hmm... well nephew" he started.

Helaena tried to stop him but Aemond didn't pay any attention to her.

"Your little stampede of rage here is not something to be proud of.... I mean... you are the first born son aren't you? But so is my brother and see here who is the queen now? I should watch out if I was you or the queen may appoint someone else as heir.... " he purred.

Rhaenyra looked at Aemond and knew he was right, He was right, if Jace wouldn't be a good fit as King she would appoint one of her other kids that would be more suited.

"Jacaerys.. please go to your chambers and sober up... There is no place for this behavior at the table.... Ser Westerling?.. please escort the prince" she spoke as regally as ever.

Jace just looked at his mother in disbelieve. He scoffed and followed Ser Westerling.

Luce looked at his mother "What uncle Aemond said... he spoke the truth didn't he" he softly spoke as he looked at his mother. Joffrey turned to look at Rhaenyra too but with glossy eyes and clamped to Baela's skirt.

Rhaenyra looked at Aemond and narrowed her eyebrows "Prince Aemond? I suggest you too watch what your words around all the lords and ladies of the realm" she spoke and turned her head back towards the filled room.

"Please let us all continue the feast! Some music please!" Rhaenyra said as she gestured for the musicians to start playing.

"Well that certainly was... something" Princess Rhaenys spoke as she walked up to the table and smiled softly "My queen..." she nodded her head.

Rhaenyra turned to Rhaenys and smiled "That matters not right now... now we feast.." She spoke as she stood up and looked at Daemon.

"My King Consort... would you care to dance with me?" she spoke and extended her hand towards Daemon who in return took it without hestitation.

"It would an honor .... My queen"

Far away from the festivities and fun Alicent sat. In her night shift in front of the fire in her chambers. Her fingernails bloody from all the picking and tears staining her lap as they fell from her face.

She folded her hands and sank down on her knees sobbing "Oh gods... what have I done... what have I done" she sobbed. She pulled on her thick robe and her slippers and made her way silently down the corridors until she reached the door to the throne room. It was slightly ajar and she could peak in.

In the throne room Helaena danced with Aemond, he twirled her around the dancefloor and she laughed out loud as he picked her up of the floor and swung her around.

Alicent smiled softly. That was the mot emotion she had Helaena ever seen to express.

Lucerys and Rhaena danced and laughed as they bumped into each other. Joffrey and Baela together sat on the side of the dancing couples and were again playing another game.

The music changed and people changed partners. Daemon walked to the side and took Baela's hand. Rhaena was tapped on the shoulder by one of the men of the north. Luce nodded and retreated to sit by Joffrey on the side.

Rhaenyra smiled and was walking towards Joffrey to sit by him and Luce but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder "May I steal this dance from you... my queen... sister" Aemond spoke.

Rhaenyra nodded and slid her hand in his and they walked to the middle of the throne room.

Alicent's breath hitched and her fingers stopped picking around her nailbeds. She felt a weird happy feeling. She knew Aemond and Helaena were safe and the safety of her own children was the only thing she wanted.

Rhaenyra had had a thousand chances the last few weeks and days to kill them or send them away but she didn't. she hadn't send Alicent away either. But her father's words still echoed in her mind.

"She will have your children put to the sword"

"the realm will not accept her as queen..."

"the road ahead is uncertain... but the end is clear"

It all echoed through her head, but her heart screamed something else.

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