Past and Present

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Baela softly rocked a sleeping baby Visenya in her arms as she hummed a lullaby. Joffrey, Viserys II and Aegon III were sitting with Helaena and her children playing with wooden figures.

Jace and Luke sitting on the settee having a conversation and Rhaena was sitting by the fire reading a book.

A sudden soft knock on the door made their heads turn around. "who is it?" Jace asked as no one else took it upon themselves to answer.

A former man of the city watch, now queensguard opened the door "the Prince Aemond"

Helaena immediately perked up at the sound of his name and softly smiled.

Jace and Luke exchanged glances and returned to their conversation softly.

Rhaena stood by Baela and continued rocking Visenya.

The silence was deafening, only the calculated footsteps of Aemond were heard.

He halted as he looked at Rhaena and Baela who were staring at him.

"... I-" he spoke before he was almost dragged down to the floor by the twins Jaehaerys and Jaehaera as the little boy clamped to his legs and Jaehaera jumped up and clung to his tunic.

"Aemond! How nice of you to join us" Helaena spoke as she stood up.

Little Viserys and Aegon ran to Jace and Luke and looked at Aemond wearingly while grasping to their brothers.

"Egg... he is not going to do anything to you" Jace spoke to little Aegon hanging on his arm. "not when we are all here" he muttered under his breath.

Luke snickered and Baela whacked him with her book.

"Ouch! Baela why did you do that-" Jace said turning to Baela who looked at him with a frown.

"You know what my father and your mother said remember..." she spoke in a hushed tone.

Aemond and Helaena looked at them with a puzzled look as the twins kept hanging on their uncle.

Little Joffrey was the one to break the ice as he walked up to Jaehaerys and pulled his arm to come back to playing with the wooden figures. Jaehaerys looked at Joffrey and back to Aemond. "Uncle come see! We are playing with the dwagons!" he loudly squealed as he picked up one of the dragon figurines.

Jaehaera grabbed Aemond's hand and he gladly followed the little girl to the circle of playing children.

Jace and Luke watched from the side as Aemond's harsh exterior was visibly softened by his niece and nephews.

"This is Vhagar... and here this is Dweamfyre and Sunfyre!" Jaehaerys said as he pushed the dragon figurine that he named after Vhagar into his hands.

Helaena smiled as she turned towards little Aegon and Viserys. "come show your dragons children!" She held out her hand for the two and they hesitantly took their hands of their brothers and walked towards Helaena.

Baela had sat down on the settee by the children and Rhaena had laid her book to the side to watch the children play with each other.

Joffrey smiled and reached towards two dragons one painted red and one painted gold. "This is Syrax... my mother- the queens dragon!" he spoke swirling it through the air. Little Aegon laughed as he grabbed another dragon and followed Joffrey running after him.

Soon enough a train of young children led by Joffrey were running through the room flying their dragons together. They swirled along the chairs and tables in the room. Just barely missing Jace and Luke who in return smiled softly.

Rhaena smiled and looked over to Baela and then to Visenya peacefully sleeping in her arms.

"at least some of us are having fun" Baela interjected. And for once everyone nodded in agreement.

Rhaenyra put her hand to her head and sighed

"Aegon.... What the hell are you thinking I am going to do? If I wanted you dead you would've been the moment you stepped foot on Dragonstone.. The hate and hurt in this family has been building up for years... seeds of doubt were planted in all of your heads were you and your siblings were babies" she spoke.

Aegon scoffed and looked away from Rhaenyra.

"The thoughts of doubt and hate from all that happened in the last few years are not going to go away just by only making me queen.... Your mother still thinks of you as the rightful king... she hates me so much she'd rather see me dead... she hates Daemon just for who he is... she hates my children" Rhaenyra spoke her expression not changing as she spoke about her former best friend.

"And when she had you and your siblings and I had my first three children the hate only grew.... I am in no way a saint Aegon.... None of us are... we are all playing a really dangerous game Aegon..... and you have to play that game or you could as well feed yourself to the dragon right this moment" She said standing in front of him.

Aegon furrowed his eyebrow "And why are you telling me all this?" he said trying to sound nonchalant.

Rhaenyra turns back to him and bends forward to look him right in his eyes.

"Because we are Targaryens... and the only thing that can tear down the house Targaryen is itself"

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