The Heir

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"My queen... we need to discuss the matter of your heir..." Princess Rhaenys spoke up softly.

Rheanyra sighed. "I think it is abundantly clear who my heir is... my first born child Jacaerys Velaryon" she spoke as her hand played with the ball in front of her. Corlys looked at Rhaenyra and back to Rhaenys. Lord Caswell looked down and avoided locking eyes with anyone as did the Maester.

Aemond looked straight at Rhaenyra with a piercing look in his eyes. "if no one is as bold to say.... I do not think that is a good idea my queen" He spoke.

Daemon scoffed "Just like it was a great idea to put your drunk brother on the throne" He muttered.

Rhaenyra looked over at Daemon and back to Aemond "Honestly..... Is this ever going to stop..... " she said sitting back in her chair.

"No it will not my queen" Rhaenys shot back. "Most of us know of the nature of our late son Rhaenyra... everyone saw how he wept over the body of his supposes best friend on your wedding day when he was brutally murdered by Criston Cole" she launched out her mouth.

Aemond raised his eyebrow and looked back at Rhaenyra. As did Lord Corlys and Lord Caswell.

"Well I think I have nothing to say about the matter....My sons have just as much Targaryen blood in their veins as the Princes Aegon, Aemond and Helaena... and nobody bats an eye over it" she spoke head held high.

Rhaenys crossed her arms and stood up "As your hand I think you should speak about it... get the love of the people and the lords and ladies... try to get their sympathy even... but you can't just don't speak about it and think everything will be fine when its his time to ascend the throne" she spoke.

The other lords nodding in agreement.

"I think the princess is right.... My queen... my wife" Daemon said turning towards Rhaenyra. "Your father did the same and just didn't talk about issues and didn't act upon anything... and look what happened... the hightowers tried to usurp the throne" he said.

"Dear" Alicent knocked on the door of Helaena's chambers. Her guard standing just behind her.

"Come in" she heard Helaena softly speak.

Alicent quietly walked into the chamber and found Helaena sitting on a bench with a cross-stitch in hand. She looked up and softly smiled. Something she rarely did noticed Alicent.

"Mother you look... worried.. is there something amiss?" she laid down her work and folded her hands.

"Helaena.... I.... I must apologize" she spoke with her hands clasped together and swaying a little bit.

Helaena furrowed her eyebrows and stood up looking at her mother.

"I.... I am sorry you have endured so much bad things...." Alicent continued and looked over her shoulder to the playing twins.

"Since Rhaenyra has been queen you have been..... flourishing..." she said softly patting her arm.

Helaena looked down at her mothers hand on her arm and took it of hers with her own hand and held it. "you should not pick at your skin mother" she softly spoke.

Alicent smiled sadly and put her other hand over Helaena's.

A knock on the door pulled Aegon out of his thoughts. "No" he spoke throwing an empty goblet towards the door.

"Prince Aegon... the queen has summoned you" the voice on the other end of the door spoke as the door softly croaked open.

"I SAID NO!" He said jumping up and throwing the whole pitcher filled with wine towards the door.

"I am afraid it is no question my prince.." It was Ser Westerling that opened the door. He opened the door a little further and his eyes were met with only darkness. food and pieces of clothing littered the floor.

Aegon sat by the fire laying half on the floor half on the chaise lounge only clothes in a pair of pants and no upper clothing.

Aegon groaned and didn't make any moves as to stand up.

"my prince" he tried again holding up a black blouse.

"If she wants to speak to me so bad she can come here" he spat out as he took a gulp of wine.

Ser Westerling sighed and started walking towards the prince. "I am sorry for this" he spoke as he grabbed Aegon and threw him over his shoulder.

'HEY.. HEY HEY HEY WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS" Aegon yelled and with his fists he banged on the guards back. to no avail.

Westerling walked with a screaming Aegon on his shoulder through the halls of the castle. It really made heads turn. Maids snickered as they grouped together to watch the spectacle.

"TAKE ME THE FUCK BACK RIGHT NOW!!... YOU LISTEN TO ME!! NOW!!" He yelled again and again.

"Thank you Ser.. please put him down on the chair here" Rhaenyra spoke. She stood in the middle of her own sitting room hands clasped together. Aegon was still shouting obscenities towards Ser Westerling.

He stopped as he was sat down in the chair and met the gaze of Rhaenyra.

"Aegon...." She spoke as she stood in front of the chair.

Aegon had his head down but looked up when Rhaenyra spoke his name.


"Aegon please" Rhaenyra pleaded.

"What?! What Rhaenyra!! I did what I was supposed to do didn't I!! why isn't it still not good enough!!!" He yelled. A tear rolling down his cheek.

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