Chapter 9

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Third person pov

The last day of school signaled the start of training as there hasn't been time because of school and the Alpha wanted everyone to be very skilled in the art of defense.

After breakfast, Hannah carried Shelby outside were the rest of the pack were and sat her down with the other children, everyone was in some form of fighting gear, Hannah wore track pants and a loose shirt as it helped her move better. The pack were forming strong defenses in form of walls, the Alpha had adopted the defense technique of the titans, he was currently putting people in places while Hannah stood staring, her father had taught her how to find loopholes in defenses and she was currently accessing the walls the pack had formed and found that some of them were slouched on the shoulder which is why the walls had the slightest shake in them. Before she knew what she was doing she walked to the Alpha, everyone had grown quiet by then wondering what she was doing.

'Why aren't you in position?' asked the Alpha in an annoyed tone.

'The defense wall is not strong, an enemy can break through in a split second', she said confidently. There were scoffs and snorts coming from the pack members as they were too proud to believe her, she stood quietly and observed them.

'Well do you want to show me why', asked the alpha, Hannah knew she was been tested, her pack had died because they were small and were caught unawares by the rouges so even though the people in this pack hated her, she wasn't going to let them die.

She walked to the middle of the defense wall, cracked her neck, then with a very swift push on her heels, she charged towards the wall and rammed straight through knocking down the wall of people. The Alpha stood speechless as he could not believe what he had just seen, he beckoned Hannah to him and demanded she fight with someone but just as she was about to go to him, Shelby ran towards her crying and all thoughts flew fromher head as she scooped her up but not before seeing the red mark on her wrist were she was roughly grabbed.

Hannah saw red, she walked with her sister to one corner and swayed backed and forth.

'Sweety what happened?' Hannah asked, trying to keep the rage from her voice, her wolf Shana was fighting for control as she had grown attached to Shelby.

'It's the blonde girl, she ordered my friends not to talk to me, w....when I asked why...s...she grabbed my hand painfully and wouldn't let go, s..she said I was a disgrace to the pack and I don't belong here'. The look in Shelby eyes was one of deep fear and panic, Kate came towards them and took Shelby from a shaking Hannah.

'Take care of her hand, I'll be right back', said Hannah as she took a deep breath and walked towards the rest of the pack, she stood were the Alpha had beckoned her before.

'Now that you are here Olivia has volunteered to fight you', said the Alpha, Hannah only saw red, she could deal with anyone hurting her but not Shelby.

Olivia walked towards her with a smirk, Hannah stood silently watching her every move. Olivia charged forward but Hannah side stepped and rammed her hand into her back, sending Olivia to the ground and a surprise gasp came from the pack. Hannah stalked towards Olivia, 'You love hurting children right and you can't even defend yourself, GET UP!!', she yelled.

Olivia stood and aimed for Hannah's tummy with a swift kick but Hannah was faster and predicted the move by grabbing her leg and knocking out the other one, sending Olivia to the ground. Olivia shifted and charged towards Hannah with full speed and at the last minute Hannah bent and dodged Olivia's claw and kneed her exposed tummy with force, Olivia shifted back and started pretending she was mortally wounded but the pack was too busy staring at Hannah who was breathing heavily and glaring at Olivia.

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