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"The bad news is nothing lasts forever, The good news is nothing lasts forever." ― J. Cole

My first memory was of a soft white bed with an angel above me. She had silky thin black hair and vibrant innocent seafoam green eyes. Her skin was as pale as milk and she was very thin. She was obviously very sick, but she was still very beautiful. 

"Hello," were her first words to me, "are you alright?" 

Her voice was high-pitched and silvery, it sounded clear, light and pleasant to listen to. She was so beautiful, I was mesmerized. 

Before I could do anything someone came through the door, I remember feeling annoyed when they interrupted us. 

"Sherry, has she awoken?" It was a man, he was most definitely her father, or at least related to her. They both had the silky black hair and had the same facial features, hers being more feminine. 

"Yes she has, father," Sherry answered politely. An obedient and good-mannered girl, one who would listen to every word she was told. 

"Good," he smiled at Sherry, then turned to me, a look of slight hate came across his face. But it disappeared just as fast. "How are you, my dear?" Sherry's father smiled. 

"Ye-ss. Yes I... I a-am alr...alrigh..t" I tried to speak but my voice could barely come out. My throat was dry and hadn't been used in a while. A coughing fit took place a few seconds later. 

"Dear, take your time," he said, his voice rough, yet smooth. "Yes please, don't waste your energy," Sherry said looking worried. My lovely Sherry was so gentle to me. 

I would have liked to talk with her more but I felt myself getting sleepy, "let's go Sherry, she needs her sleep." Those were the last words I heard before passing out. 

Over the course of 2 weeks I had Sherry and her father who I learned was named Clyde Sato, nurse me back to health. He told me I had been in an accident and that I had lost my memories. 

It was weird, having no memories but just existing. 

No past, or anything. 

I had been told they had no idea who I was and that they would help me get better. How sweet of them, how charitable. 

Sherry did look very sad at the time, and I felt bad for being a burden. She was already so weak, and here she was helping me. 

In the next week from then, I was allowed to go around the house and in the garden with supervision. Although I knew what it was truly for. It wasn't for me, but Sherry, as she never left my side. 

I had met Sherry's mother who was named Elma, she didn't like me and did not want to be around me. Curious why, I always smiled when I saw her. Other than that, I was living a pretty peaceful life, until the accident happened. 

It was just a freak accident, it could have happened to anyone. 

It was so stupid. But it happened to me, and I was punished for it. This goes to show how fragile everything is. 

Sherry was sitting on the edge of her balcony fence, she often sat there as the fence was thick enough for someone to sit there without falling. I had just come into her room, about to tell her that it was dinner time. She opened her arms, telling me to come here, and I did. 

She offered to help me sit on the balcony fence, I should have said no. But I didn't, I smiled and said "alright". When we both got on, we just started talking. We talked and talked before I remembered that we had to eat dinner. 

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