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"Time changes everything that's what people say, it's not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were."

The first time Clyde came to get me, I still had a little bit of hope that he would set me free. He didn't. Of course he didn't. 

But from what Omoide said, I got the princess treatment. Clyde just did some tests and took some of my blood, and that was that. The first time I saw how bad the test could be was 1 month in my imprisonment. 

He had taken one of the younger ones, about 6 years old up and when he came down with them, they were in shock. "Red" was all Clyde said before going back up. "What does that mean?" I asked. 

"He tried a cure he made," Omoide answered, "this is going to get really loud." Loud was an understatement, the kid was screaming their head off. And since this place was soundproof, the screams echoed. 

But that wasn't the worst part. 

No, the worst part was when they stopped screaming. It didn't slowly get softer like it should have been but it just stopped abruptly. And they were dead. Their face permanently in agony, it was the first time I saw a dead body. But I stayed calm. I won't have to see it much longer. 

I remembered Omoide said, "and now you learned that people can easily forget that others are human." 

And it just stuck to me, I couldn't go to sleep that night. Of course it was for multiple reasons, but that just made me think. I was in an accident and lost all of my memories, and now I'm in this situation. What have I done to deserve this? What have I done to deserve this pain? What have I done to deserve this torture? What have I done? Why all the hatred? 

I woke up to being kicked, not hard, but still annoying. Am I so low that I'm reduced to an animal? 

"Brat, get up," Clyde glared. I did and he grabbed my arm taking me upstairs. It was like things were rushed, he had barely any interest in me. We ran the test, some of them hurt, others didn't. What hurt was when he had taken a layer of my skin. I didn't even know it was going to happen until it did. 

Then, like I was dust, I went back to my cell. The kid who died was still in the same spot. Everyone just did their best to ignore the body, myself included. The doctor would only take the body a week later when the stench became unbearable. 


Another few nights passed and I was brought up again, "it's your lucky day kid, you match." Doctor Clyde was smiling at me, but it wasn't at me. He looked through me. 

"Stop calling me kid," I frowned. "You don't exactly have a name you know," he mused. 

Who's fault is that, you never told me my name. 

"I stopped being a kid the day you sent me down here to die." Doctor Clyde narrowed his eyes in annpyance, his good mood gone. "Yes, and that is the only use I have for you." He said he will think of a name before bringing me back down there. He named me shortly after. 

"Ketsueki, your name will be Ketsueki." He laughed mockingly. 

The name was an insult. But I took it, and showed him that it didn't bother me. Ketsueki ment blood, which is what he kept taking from us. 

One night when he was drunk, a new kid having only been there 3 days shouted at him, "you're the devil!" 

He got mad at that and grabbed the kid by his hair, but stopped himself before he did anything. 

"You are all praying to God aren't you! Well you should be because I'm the devil, I'm the one who is in your nightmares. But who prays for the devil? Who, in twenty centuries, has had the common Humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" He started crying then, and got up to leave. 

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