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It's pretty simple, pretty obvious: that people's first impressions of people are really a big mistake. – Vincent D'Onofrio 

I don't know how I got to the city of Yokohama, but I got there. Omoide had said that if I want to go see interesting things happen, that's the city. But there had been nothing happening for the past few days. 

A few fights, a couple deaths but that's all. 

I was basically homeless, but I did kind of find work finding lost things for people. It gives me a hot meal once a week, which is heaven compared to before. 

It was another boring day when I saw two guys walking past me. The brown haired one gave me a dollar before walking close to the wall I was next to. He was about 2 meters next to me, so I could very clearly hear their conversation. 

"The boss said that this is important," the red-haired one complained. He was obviously pissed at the other guy, the brown haired bandage guy just laughed it off. 

"If it is so important then why aren't there more people on the case?" The brown haired one is just trying at this point to annoy the red head. It was obvious, and the red head fell right into it. 

"I swear I'm going to kill you! Take this seriously!" Redhead yelled. 

"I am taking this seriously," brown haired smiled, "we've already found the perpetrator." 

"What do you mean we found him?" The redhead looked confused.

"She, it's a girl. And she's right next to me."

I didn't move, my breath caught in my throat. Then, I slowly turned my head to look at him. 

"Hello there," he smiled. 

I didn't give him a chance, I just ran. I was right beside an alleyway so I went down. He started chasing straight away, almost like he knew I was going to run, or hoping I would. 

The alleyway was the type to have many twists and turns where you could go out of the alley or deeper. Seeing as the redhead was not behind him I went deeper into it. Redhead is probably going around. He started catching up and I started getting tired. But the problem began when I saw that there was an intersection in the alley. "Crap" I said, I don't know where to go. I want to know where to go, I don't want to be caught. Especially not by that guy. For some reason I had the strong feeling I should look at my 3 pearls, so I took them out. Right in my hand they all merged into one slightly darker red pearl. I felt like throwing it on the ground in front of me. It rolled for a bit and then slightly rolled to the right side, I quickly picked it up and then ran down the right alley way. After running for a bit longer there was another intersection, this time there were 3 ways to go. I threw my pearl again and it stayed centered, I grabbed it and ran as fast as I could because the guy almost grabbed me. Up ahead I could see that there was one more intersection, another left and right one. I threw it on the ground and it turned to the left. I had a second of doubt so when I grabbed it and ran out of there, I turned right. I was about to turn down another street before I was kicked in the legs and fell face first into the ground. Ow! "What was that!" I yelled, my head had a cut and was slightly bleeding. 

The brown-haired guy finally caught up. "Oh come on Chuuya, I was having fun," he whined. 

"Shitty Dazai, we are working!" He was pissed again. 

My God. 

 "Can you two stop arguing and just take me where you want to." I snapped, annoyed at faceplating. 

I see all (bsd fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon