Part 25

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"It's sad though isn't it?" Ant mused as he drove Dec to the interview.

"What's that?" Dec asked curiously.

"That in this day and age..." Ant sighed "such a big deal is still being made of someone's sexuality,why does it even matter?"

"Who knows?" Dec frowned "but I refuse to hide the true me any longer"

"Good for you" Ant smiled.

"And..." Dec continued "I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm in love with a man...a gorgeous,special,amazing man"

"You forgot as hot as fuck" Ant grinned.

"Well,I did say gorgeous" Dec pointed out.

Once the interview was taking place and Dec announced that he was indeed gay,not bisexual,the interviewer pushed for more information,especially about Ant.

But one thing Dec had definitely decided was that he had to be respectful and considerate to Ant at all times.

He wasn't the one living in the limelight after all and Dec felt extremely protective of his privacy.

So Ant didn't accompany him to the interview like he usually did,but waited in a nearby coffee shop.

It went well and just a few days later,the full interview was printed in the magazine to much interest and over the next few weeks,Dec was constantly bombarded with questions about Ant and their relationship.

Dec had expected this,but it was still exhausting.

One thing Dec steadfastly refused to do was publicly reveal Ant's name.

Ant watched some of the TV interviews and felt bad when Dec was squirming uncomfortably every time he was asked about Ant.

"What is his name?"
"How is the boyfriend?"
"Where did you meet him?"
"Are you going to get married?"
"What about children?Will you adopt?"

That was just some of the questions Dec was constantly asked,but he always skirted around them,just stating that he was very happy in his relationship.

"You know" Ant said to Dec one day "I really don't mind if you tell them my name"

"Really?" Dec replied surprised.

"Yeah" Ant nodded "I don't like how awkward they always make you feel,I know you want to protect me and I absolutely appreciate that,but it's not a big deal if they know my name,you can tell them"

Dec looked into Ant's warm eyes.

"You do realise if I do that,then they'll dig and dig for more information on you?"

"I don't care" Ant shrugged "all I care about is you and anyway,how are they gonna do that?I'm not on social media or anything,so I doubt they'll find much on me and even if they do,so what?"

"Well,if you're sure?" Dec asked.

"Yes,I'm sure" Ant replied "I just hate to see you squirm,tell them about me if you want to?I'm fine with it"

So at his next TV interview,when Dec was asked about his relationship,he looked directly into the camera,knowing that Ant was watching and proudly announced that his partner was called Anthony McPartlin.

"And he's absolutely the love of my life"

The interviewer was surprised at Dec's openness and soon moved on to talking about his music.

"Well done" Ant beamed when Dec joined Ant after the interview.

"Was a piece of cake" Dec laughed.

"And Dec..." Ant continued.

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