Part 43

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"Anne?" Fonsey whispered in a choked voice.

"She...she's gone Dad" Pat said gently,tears now running down hers and everyone else's cheeks.

"I'll get Natalie" Camelia whispered.

Natalie came into the room and confirmed that Anne had passed away.

"I'm so sorry" she said sympathetically "I'll leave you to sit with her for a while"

She then proceeded to tell those waiting in the living room of what had happened and then got on with calling the undertakers as uncontrollable sobs rang out from both rooms.

Ant desperately wanted to go to Dec,to hold him in his time of need,to comfort him as he knew he needed,but he had to be respectful to his family and leave them to deal with their grief privately.

After a while,Pat spoke.

"We should go" she said quietly "let Dad have some time alone with her"

"NO" Dec practically shouted "I'm not leaving her"

"Please Dec" Pat whispered and rubbed his back "don't do this,not now"

"I'm not leaving her" he repeated.

"Dec" Camelia said firmly through her tears "just come to the living room"

"No" he said yet again,while clinging on to Anne's lifeless hand.

Eventually,everyone except Dec and Fonsey emerged from the bedroom.

"Ant" Pat whispered into his ear "Dec's refusing to leave Mum...he needs you"

Ant nodded in understanding and hugged Pat tearfully before making his way to Anne's bedroom.

Even though he knew Anne had passed away,he still wasn't prepared for seeing her laying in her bed.

He'd never seen a dead person before and even though he had just been waiting for the inevitable to happen like everyone else,the actual sight of this woman who he loved so much still shocked him to the core.

But he needed to put those feelings aside and be there for Dec,who was still holding on to Anne's hand,his head laid on her stomach,sobbing loudly.

Ant glanced at Fonsey,who smiled weakly.

"I'm so sorry Fonsey" Ant said.

Fonsey nodded in appreciation and lowered his head.

"Declan" Ant whispered and sat down on the chair next to him "Hey baby"

He rubbed his hand firmly up and down Dec's back and rested his head on his.

Dec immediately sat up and collapsed into Ant's arms,tears streaming down his cheeks and soaking into Ant's T shirt.

"She's gone" Dec wailed "she's gone"

"I know" Ant nodded,his own tears now dripping carelessly into Dec's hair.

Ant held Dec tightly for a few minutes before speaking again.

"Come on" he whispered and stood up "we need to allow your dad time alone with her"

"I can't" Dec sobbed "I just can't leave her...I don't want to...please don't make me"

Ant gently placed his hands on the top of Dec's arms and attempted to manoeuvre him to his feet,but Dec resisted.

"I can't" he repeated "I won't...I won't leave her"

"Dec" Ant whispered into his ear "this isn't helping your dad,I know you're grieving but so is he...come on"

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