Chapter 56

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After long journeys we finally find ourselves at home. Charles is not in a very good mood these days, this whole situation is complicated for him to live with. The hardest part was certainly shooting the video to announce his break from f1. He was really bad.

My goal will therefore be to motivate him and make him smile. Being a couple also means being there in hard times, so it's my duty to help him.

This afternoon we watched TV, and there I said to myself that I was going to prepare a little romantic evening. So I went to the supermarket to buy everything I needed. To make it even more fun and "stimulating" I decide that we are going to eat sushi but that we are going to make it ourselves. Sushi is without a doubt one of Charles's favorite dishes, even his favorite dish, so I imagine he'll like it. So I buy everything necessary and go home.

While he is changing I prepare all the ingredients in small containers so that we can each put what we want in our sushi. I really prepare our cuisine as if it were that of a chef.

After a good twenty minutes Mr. finally leaves the room and joins me in the living room.

Charles: What is all this mon coeur?
Emma: I know these times are difficult so I decided that we were going to do activities together. And the first activity I have planned is a sushi lovers' evening except that we are going to create our own sushi!
Charles: Oh you had such a good idea. But on the other hand not sure that we succeed in making eatable sushi.
Emma: But if we're going to get out of it come here you'll see.

Charles takes a small step towards me.

Charles: Oh wait I'm missing something.

He goes to look for something in the room. In the meantime I take our speaker and put some background music on it. Charles returns to the kitchen.

Charles: Look I put on a great bandana because it looks great and because it will hold my hair good idea right?
Emma: It suits you my heart and you're right, it goes really well with the theme of our evening.
Charles: Look I got one for you too.

He gets behind me and we gently wrap the bandana around my head. I'm happy because I know that the one he puts around my head is his favorite bandana. So it touches me that he lends it to me.

Charles: Oh and wait wait.

He quickly goes back to one of the entrance corridors to pull out two aprons.

Charles: Real chefs don't cook without their aprons.
Emma: You are right.
Charles: On the other hand, you are putting it wrong. The knot is in front. In any case, for real chefs like me, we do that in front.

I laugh and therefore follow these indications. I'm glad he's in a good mood and happy. I see that my idea really appeals to him.

The preparation of our meal is a little more complicated than expected but with patience we manage to do something not bad. Well, me rather than him.

Charles: But look my sushi is as good as yours and it took me at least 15 minutes less than you to make it.
Emma: But that's because you did it quickly so it would be over quickly. Look at the look of your sushi.
Charles: Stop, my sushi is beautiful.

He pretends to sulk. So I approach him and give him a hug.

Emma: Doesn't it hurt too much if I hold you like this?
Charles: No, as long as you don't squeeze too hard it's fine.

We take our dish accompanied by a small cold tea because Charles cannot drink wine as he takes medication. And I still wanted to mark the occasion, so instead of water I bought cold tea, which is exceptional for us.

The meal was great. Finally, although the look of our sushi was not incredible, the taste was. The advantage when you do it yourself is that you can put whatever you want in it and that's what makes the difference. After this feast we sit on the terrace for a while. It's not very hot so we take blankets. But Charles needs to get some fresh air and since he can't move much he can't go outside, we've found an alternative.

I notice that Charles looks very pensive, so I decide to make sure everything is okay.

Emma: How are you? You look... I don't know thoughtful.
Charles: It's just that so much has been going on lately that I haven't had time to take it all in yet.
Emma: Yes I understand...
Charles: Do you realize that because of one mistake, because of a fraction of a second I might be wasting an entire year of formula one. Because I don't know how I'm going to get back into the drivers' championship after 3 months of missing out. I'm going to miss so many grand prix.
Emma: That's true, but you also have to think that you could have died. I think you don't think about that enough.
Charles: I'm thinking about it, but not because I was afraid to die. I think about it for others. Because I know the feeling you felt when you saw me not getting out of the car. It's the one I felt during the accident of Antoine and Jules. And I hate myself for making you feel that way.
Emma: It's not your fault stop. The most important thing is that you're fine even if you don't feel like it, but you're alive and that's the most important thing.
Charles: Yeah you're right... But there are things I still can't accept.
Emma: Like what?
Charles: I'm going to miss the Monaco Grand Prix. And you know that since I've never been able to win it, it's very important for me to do this grand prix.
Emma: I hadn't thought of that. But you know you will have other years to do it.
Charles: Not necessarily. Imagine that my contract is not renewed at the end of this season and that I find myself without a place. I will have missed every chance I had to win it.
Emma: Stop it's not going to happen. You are one of the best drivers on the track. And I really mean it. I'm not just saying that because you're my boyfriend.
Charles: I think I will bleed myself in practice to try to negotiate with the doctor to start again sooner. If I manage to take a break of only two and a half months and not three months, I can do the Monaco Grand Prix.
Emma: That's the biggest bullshit you can do. You're going to wait the 6 weeks without doing any sport like the doctor told you and then if you want to do even more training go for it but you have to make sure your body supports it.
Charles: Yeah...I know you're right. But it's hard to hear.
Emma: I know but that's how it is, it's a complicated moment to pass. But I'm here. I told the university that I will be doing my courses online so that I can stay with you.
Charles: Yes I know, thanks for being there and doing stuff with me. It changes my mind. I love spending time with you. I love you.
Emma: I love you too.


The encounter of a lifetime - Charles LerclercWhere stories live. Discover now