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"Maybe it was just a dream

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"Maybe it was just a dream... " Madeleine sighed. She straightened up, yawning, then found that she had fallen asleep on the couch. The day before, the boys and her had spent most of the evening playing video games. Thanks to Conner, they had been able to access the next level. Gar was overjoyed.

She sat down. Someone had covered her with a blanket, so she covered her shoulders with it before getting up. Her first instinct was to go to the bathroom. She was still asleep when she opened the door. She hadn't knocked before and regretted it. Conner was in the tub, with Krypto. They were playing chess. Caught off guard, Madeleine looked down and hurried out of the bathroom. In her escape, she ran into Gar, who had also just woken up, and was crossing the hallway with the intention of going to the kitchen.

"Hey... Madeleine... Something wrong? You look like someone who saw a ghost..." Gar said.

"No, it's fine... I guess I should knock before entering. It's something I didn't use to do, when I lived alone..." Madeleine answered while trying to conceal her embarrassment.

"I see..." Gar replied, backing up his answer with a nod.

"What do we eat for breakfast?" asked Madeleine to change the subject.

"Well...I think there are some pancakes left..." Gar said, putting a hand to the back of his neck.

"Krypto ate it all!" Conner exclaimed from the bathroom.

Krypto barked in protest and Madeleine quietly giggled. Gar looked at her out of the corner of his eye before retorting to Conner, "Aren't you ashamed to accuse Krypto wrongly?" Madeleine gave him a little nudge, while a giggle gradually won over her. She was bent over, the hilarity was so strong. The green-haired boy didn't understand what was so funny, but smiled. It made him happy to see the young woman in such a good mood.

It was like things could only get better and better. It was going to be 24 hours since the dark haired girl had had any visions. Gar hoped everything was back to normal before Grayson and the other Titans returned. They will praise him for keeping things under control.

"Ahoy! Gar? You're over the moon...I've been calling you for ten minutes...Come back to earth." asked Madeleine.

"Oh sorry!" Gar smiled, then he took a look at the amount of vegetables in the blender and told the young woman that it was enough.

"Let's go!" exclaimed Madeleine, turning on the blender.

In no time, the ingredients were crushed, until they became an increasingly liquid green mash. The goal was to make the green smoothie that Gar used to make. It is for this reason that he guided her during the preparation.

"It's not that hard!" assured Madeleine.

"Hmm... Don't forget to watch. It shouldn't be too liquid either." Gar answered, his arms crossed.

"I think it's over!" declared Madeleine and she stopped the device.

Gar gave her a skeptical look, while fetching drinks for the two of them. He placed them on the work surface and the young woman poured a little mixture into each of them. The green-haired boy watched her, then hesitated to retrieve his glass. For her part, Madeleine was rather confident and grabbed her glass with a broad smile.

"Let's toast!" she said.

"Yeah..." Gar replied.

Glasses clinked, then everyone took a sip. Gar nodded, thumbs up. Madeleine smiled again. It was a resounding success! So much that Gar wanted more.


"You have to put more strength and more speed. Like this!" said the green haired boy took he swung up to kick back to the punching bag.

Madeleine nodded, then tried in turn. She rather succeeded this time and Gar cheered her on. The young woman smiled, while catching her breath. They had been training hard for an hour now. She slid down to the tatami-covered floor and Gar went to retrieve the water bottles they had left near the entrance.

"Here" Gar smiled as he handed Madeleine his bottle, then sat down next to her.

"It feels good to let off steam..." sighed Madeleien after taking a long sip. "I need a punching bag at home."

"I thought...that you would stay..." Gar said, turning his head towards the entrance, so he wouldn't have to look Madeleine in the eye.

" be honest, I hadn't really thought about it..." Madeleine answered while considering her half-empty bottle.

"Why not? You could stay, and I'll introduce you to the others. It would be great to have you on the team." Gar suggested.

"Becoming a Titans..." thought Madeleine aloud while tying her hair up in a high puff.

"Exactly!" Gar answered "That could be a good thing!"

"I don't know if I'm cut out for this...superhero stuff" Madeleine replied.

"Rescue people?" asked Gar.

"Yeah...I shouldn't deny my powers, but trust's better if I don't use them. Sooner or later, people will end up hurting, if I do... " declared Madeleine.

"It could happen," Gar admitted, "but in return you'd save a lot of people, I'm sure."

Madeleine remained pensive. It's true that she felt good here, but reality had to catch up with her one day or another. It's clear that she would have preferred to stay here forever, only worrying about great ideals and not about the small galleys of everyday life. But she had an apartment, a job... responsibilities, even if it wasn't about the fate of humanity. This choice could engage him in a completely different perspective. So she wanted to take the time, just enough to know what she was getting into.

"Up to you." smiled Gar "But I will be there if you are in trouble, whatever choice you make."

"Thank you..." murmured Madeleine.

"So...The break is over. Back to training!" Gar replied, marking the end of the conversation.

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