scene. v

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"Conner!" cried Madeleine as he pushed her away. She struggled with all her strength, not wanting to abandon her friend to his fate, but the keyptonian threw her away.

The dark-haired young woman landed a few feet away. Dizzy, her heart swollen with strong but contradictory feelings. She had managed to free herself from the grip of the terrible Graves, and wished the same for her friends. Her friends whom she briefly regretted having left. But the time was not for regrets, it was now necessary to confront one's enemies

So Madeleine stood up, repressing a cry of pain, she replaced her dislocated shoulder as best she could. Everything was gone, the dark room, the dusty cabins, Conner… So she tried again to enter his mind, but couldn't. In the distance, a fierce roar sounded.

"Gar..." thought Madeleine and she set off. Among the stands taken over by terrified people, she criss-crossed the carnival which now looked like a battlefield.

She ran and as she looked around her, haggard, a green shape appeared in front of her. A wild tiger, ready to cut her throat. Still, she didn't back down. She mastered the beating of her heart, to listen to those of the one who stood in front of her. She only saw Gar imprisoned in this fur. She would try to save him, whatever the cost! Slowly, she approached. The tiger was fierce and never took his eyes off her. His gaze was intense, but devoid of emotion.

Madeleine walked up to the green tiger and knelt down. Finally, she closed her eyes. A purple mist rose from the ground like cloudy smoke and hid its presence from the tiger boy who was about to attack.

Gar looked around, scared. He was in a circus. Laughter burst out everywhere and he didn't know where to turn. He noticed that the spectators were all dressed up as clowns and they were laughing out loud. The green-haired boy, meanwhile, was center stage, so to speak. There was a cique manager in a green suit, and a lion tamer whose face he couldn't see, cracking his whip. The sand was purple, but the boy wondered if it was the lighting that gave it that color.

The whip cracked again and Gar jumped. He turned his head in the direction the noise was coming from and groaned slightly. It was then that he discovered that it was not towards him that this means of pressure was directed, but towards a chained tiger. A huge, gigantic yet submissive tiger. He wanted to help him, but now he found himself trapped in a gallery of mirrors.

It was impossible for him to escape his reflection, however false. The first mirror showed him a version of himself with dark brown hair, visibly happy and surrounded by his parents. This image hit Gar in the heart, but he held on. He tried to comfort himself in the idea that the past could not be changed. But another mirror sent back the image of an enraged tiger, dismembering a horrified scientist. This time, Gar looked away, his stomach in knots. The last mirror framed the image of a young woman with dark, lush hair and purple irises.

"Madeleine..." Gar murmured, putting a hand against the glass and the young woman did the same.

Gar felt himself tip over and fell. When he straightened up, not without difficulty, he was in a meadow, in tall mauve grass. The sky was pale, like dawn, the young man's clothes were white. Not far from him, there was a young woman from behind. He recognized Madeleine and called her as loud as possible. She turned to offer him a smile. She too was dressed in white and her hand brushed the blades of grass as she walked up to him.

When Madeleine was less than a meter away from Garfield, he threw himself into her arms. They waltzed holding each other's arms, then dropped to the ground, a carpet of greenery. Gar's head rested on Madeleine's lap. He felt soothed and she stroked his hair. The green-haired boy wanted it to be like this, forever. At least, here, no one would come to suffer them. He didn't even think about his duty as a member of the Titans. He would have liked to stay like that, with Madeleine, for eternity. Their stars had met again.

"We have to be brave..." whispered Madeleine in his ear.

"Brave..." Gar repeated, closing his eyes.

"We'll have to go back there. The others are counting on us... But I can't force you to go back there," said Madeleine.

"I guess you're right..." sighed Gar "The battle isn't over yet. We have to go back"

"Yes" nodded Madeleine and kissed the green haired boy's forehead.

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