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It turned out that Sara was very good at hip hop. Actually, she was not just good, she was pretty incredible. The moves that she knew how to do were some that I had never seen before and she was extremely flexible as well. I looked on in amazement while she demonstrated a routine that she'd been working on before she left her old school.
As I glanced around our group, I noticed that everyone else was also looking on in awe. It was hard not to. Her long blonde pigtails swung from side to side as she flipped and turned. And the cargo green outfit that she wore was so cool, a perfect hip hop style that matched her clear complexion and blonde hair beautifully.

I glanced down at my shabby shorts that I had quickly changed into before rehearsal and for the first time felt aware of how uncool they were. Usually I didn't worry too much about things like that, especially just for a rehearsal. But having Sara in our midst, looking so perfect, really made me think twice about the way I was dressed.
When she finished, everyone congratulated her and told her how amazing she was. She certainly deserved it and I thought about how lucky we were to have her join us. By incorporating some of the moves that she knew, our dance was sure to be a stand out performance.

We decided to get Sara to demonstrate and everyone was concentrating quite intensely as some of the interchanges were very tricky. Then just when I thought everyone had got the hang of it, Sara moved over next to Blake and grabbed his arms to show him how he should be moving them.

"It's more this type of action, Blake!" she explained to him as he looked at her with those big brown eyes of his, following her demonstration closely.

"You've almost got it, you just need to make your movements more abrupt and deliberate," she continued. And when he suddenly mimicked her movements to perfection her squeal was full of obvious delight.

"That's it!" she cried. "That's perfect!"

And with a proud grin, Blake replied, "Thanks heaps, Sara! Thanks for your help." Then obviously very pleased with himself, he continued with the remainder of the routine before joining in with the rest of us to put the new version of our dance together.

"That's such a cool dance, Sara!" Alex exclaimed when we had finally finished. "It's awesome to have a girl who's so good at hip hop at our school."

"Yeah, that was great, Sara," Jack chimed in, obviously not wanting to miss out on getting her attention.

"Thanks!" Sara replied in a modest manner. "You guys are really good dancers too!"

As I packed up my gear and headed on over towards them, I couldn't help but notice the smile on Blake's face as he chatted easily with Sara. They looked like they were getting on really well. And as I watched her talking happily with the group of boys, I guessed that Sara would probably get along with just about everyone.

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