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As I lay in bed on Sunday night, thinking about the afternoon that I had spent at Sara's house, the previous thoughts that I'd been having on my way home from the mall the day before, were furthest from my mind.

It turned out that the boys couldn't make it as some other stuff had apparently come up, but in the end I was glad. It was so nice to spend time alone with Sara and I found that when it was just the two of us, we got along really well.

She lives in the coolest house. It's really big and super modern. They even have a spa bath in the bathroom as well as a jacuzzi out by the pool. We talked about spending time sunbathing in her backyard as soon as the weather was warm enough. The lounge chairs that were scattered around the sides of the pool were so inviting that I had to try them out. Then when I found that they reclined right back, I lied there picturing myself during the summer months, just relaxing by that beautiful sparkling pool.

Sara is so lucky! She seems to have pretty much everything a girl could wish for. Her bedroom has the prettiest pink wallpaper with a gorgeous white flower print as a feature wall. And her furniture is all white. She has a huge comfy bed with matching bedside tables. I've never known a girl our age to have a queen sized bed though. Even my parents only have a double bed and Sara's bed seems enormous in comparison.

The two hot pink chrome lamps that sit on her bedside tables are the coolest design and I just love the fluffy pink rug that spreads across the middle of her floor. And she even has a window seat that looks out through a big white framed window, across the landscaped back yard and pool area. I've always dreamed of having a window seat like that, it's just like in the movies.

It's pretty difficult not to feel just a little bit jealous of Sara though. She has so much cool stuff and she is so pretty. But I guess being an only child is the reason why her parents spoil her so much. It would probably be hard not to spoil an only child. I only met her mom briefly but she seems very nice. Although, Sara said that her parents are rarely at home and I was actually lucky to meet her mother. Apparently her dad's office is in town but he has to travel a lot and her mom is always out doing something or other, Sara isn't really sure what.

I thought that was pretty strange; not really knowing what your mom does every day and hardly seeing your parents. Sara said that it's good not having parents to annoy her because she can do whatever she wants when they're not around. It's a bit of a weird situation, but I guess everyone is different.

They're certainly very different to my family, that's for sure. There's no way I'd be allowed to have all that freedom! My parents want to know what I'm up to all the time. They check on where I am and what time I will be home and who I am spending time with. And we always eat meals together, breakfast and dinner anyway; as well as that, we have regular family time where we play board games or watch a movie or go on an outing together somewhere.

My brother, Matt is getting sick of family time and often complains because he would rather be hanging out with his friends. I guess boys his age are like that, but I still like being around my family.

I rolled over and stared out the window and into the night sky. There was a full moon shining and its light was beaming into my room, making it hard for me to go to sleep. I didn't want to close the curtain though, as I love watching the stars at night time, especially from the comfort of my bed.

As I finally started to drift off, visions of Sara came to mind. She was dressed in the most incredible hip hop outfit and was bowing to applause from an adoring audience, her wide smile beaming across her face. I pictured myself sitting amongst the crowd and cheering her on as well.

Then abruptly, I sat up with a start. A cold shiver had run right through me and I could feel the hairs on my arms standing on end. Unsure of what had caused the sudden disturbing feeling, I looked around my room and realized the window was wide open so I jumped up to close it. Hopping back into bed, I rolled over and closed my eyes. We had an early rehearsal planned in the morning before school so I needed to get up early. I pulled the covers up to my chin and fell into a deep sleep.

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