💖Going to Sumeru pt. 1💖

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Cg- Zhongli, Hu-tao
Little-Xiao (age 2)
TW- Trans people(is that a tw?) Diaper wetting
Btw this is gonna be more than one part bc Auntie Nahida wants to see Xiao and everything!?

3rd POV

Xiao and Hu-Tao were in a sparring match while Zhongli watched. Soon enough, Xiao's movements became more sloppy by the second. Hu-tao took notice first. "Xiao are you alright, your moves are becoming sloppy. If you want we can take a break?" Zhongli looks over upon hearing the conversation. Xiao seemed to get a little annoyed at the question, but he wasn't ok. He's been wearing his binder for too long, and it's starting to become a problem. "N-No I'm fine. Let's just continue the match." They just continued, and Zhongli couldn't help but notice that Xiao wasn't ok. Zhongli decided to trust him.

After a couple of Seconds, he heard a small thud and a scream. "Oh My god! Xiao are you ok!?" Zhongli's head sprung up and saw a small male laying on the ground panting heavily, holding his chest tightly. Zhongli ran over, thinking it was just Xiao's karmic debt. "Xiao! Is it the karmic debt again!?" Xiao shakes his head no. He can feel himself slipping. So he just laid there on the floor, on the verge of tears and it was plainly obvious. He grips on his shirt, hinting that Zhongli should take it off. Hu-tao was extremely worried. Her and Xiao were like siblings, so of course she would be scared. She ran over to Xiao and sat next to him.

She set Xiao's head on her lap, just incase something happens. Zhongli takes off Xiao's shirt and immediately identified the problem. Xiao laid still, still struggling to breathe, but it had gotten worse to the point he slipped completely. He started to cry softly. Hu-tao hushed him as Zhongli takes off the binder. "Looks like he left his binder on for too long." Xiao sat up and immediately went to Zhongli upon hearing his calming Voice. "'M sorry. Didn't Listen." The older male hushed him. "No, my little Qingxin flower. You aren't in trouble, you were just insecure about your body and I understand that." Xiao wiggles out of Zhongli's grasp and goes to Hu-tao, Wiping his tears, and putting up his arms. "Up?" Hu-tao picks him up and gives him a kiss on the forehead. "Can you show me how old you are, Bluebird?" He nods and holds up 2 fingers. "Awe! Your so tiny Bluebird!" Xiao blushes and looks away sheepishly. "Hu-tao I'm gonna make Xiao a bottle, could you bring him to his room and put him in a diaper?" Hu-tao nods and bring Xiao to the little room.

"Hungwry." Hu-tao nods and puts Xiao in his diaper. "Which onesie do you want Xiao?" He points to the green Alligator one. "Good choice!" As soon as she get the onesie on, Zhongli comes with a bottle of Milk. You see, Xiao likes his Milk with 2 small spoons of cinnamon, and 1 small spoon of Cocoa powder. "Hey Qingxin, what show would you like to watch today?" Xiao thinks about it for a minute. What does he want to watch? "Paw Patwrowl." Zhongli nods and turns on Paw patrol. He set Xiao on his lap and feeds Xiao the bottle. Hu-tao just sits and watches the show, since she had nothing better to do. Xiao starts to get sleepy after he finishes, so he falls asleep right there.

2 hours later bc ya boi took a nap.

Xiao awoke and was questioning why he was in his crib, it's still light outside. Zhongli walks into the room to see a confused Xiao in a crib. "Ah! Xiao, so glad your awake. We are going on a road trip to Sumeru to see Nahida. So I have all your stuff ready, and your little stuff. We'll be gone for 2 weeks." Xiao nods and Zhongli helps him out the crib. "Hu-tao is waiting in the Car for us." "M-My lord?" The older male looks at him. "Thank you for earlier, but did you pack any of my binders?" Zhongli nods. "I did, but I'll let you put it one before we get out of the car." They reach the car and put the stuff in the trunk. Xiao's stuff stay with him in the back seat area. "Are you fine with sitting in the car seat?" Xiao nods and Zhongli helps him into the seat. "Also if you want any bottles, I bought 5 for you. I'll Just ask Hu-tao to heat them for you when you need them." They start the car and off they are, going to Sumeru. Part of Xiao wishes he had his binder on, so he could feel more safe.

Half an hour later

Xiao is squirming in his seat. He has to use the bathroom bad. Zhongli took notice first. "Xiao, are you alright? Do you need one of the bottles?" It wasn't any of those. Xiao needed to use the bathroom. But he had a diaper on. So he could just use it, right. Well no, because Xiao would lose his dignity. So he thought. "No, I'm alright, Just need to use the toilet." Zhongli nodded, understanding. "It's alright Xiao, just use the diaper. I'll change you later." Xiao let everything go and just used the diaper. He felt Relief and Settled down. He started to feel tired. "Zhongli, can I have one of the bottles?" He nodded as he tapped Hu-tao. She took off her headphones and heated the bottle with Pyro. She handed it to Xiao who drank it. He then fell asleep soon after.

Part 1 done. 1012 words!
I'm sorry I haven't been updating because of personal reasons I don't feel like explaining. See ya!

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