Chapter 5: Samba Party!/Fight Against Marmosets

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(The truck parked up into a food court-like area as the gang come off the truck and Blu and Jewel falls off)

Blu: Ahh!

Jewel: Whoa!

Blu: (Groans) Ow.

Dan: Are you okay?

Jewel: Ugh. I'm going to chew through my own leg if this doesn't come off soon.

Rafael: Relax. If I know Luiz, we're right where we wanna be.

Champ: Can't wait to meet this Luiz guy.

Nico: Hey, Rafi! If it isn't the king of carnival!

Rafael: Nico! Pedro! What up, family?

Pedro: Where you been hidin' yourself, bird?

Nico: Man, I thought you were dead!

Pedro: Hold up! Rewind! [going towards Blu] Ain't that the bird from the cage?

Nico: I think our love lessons went down smooth.

Pedro: You work fast!

Nico: Baby got big!

Pedro: You was locked up and now you're rollin' up with a hot wing! Woo! I wanna be like you!

Blu: Oh, no, no! It's not what you think. We're just uh... chained together.

Nico: Hey, I'm not judging you.

Pedro: Keep it spicy.

Nico: Oh, yeah.

Sara: Hey, guys. We're looking for this Luiz guy. Have you seen him?

Pedro: Yeah, I seen him, but you didn't, 'cause you just missed him. He took the trolley back to the garage.

Jewel: Oh, great.

Nico: Relax, baby bird. You could catch the next one.

Pedro: Yeah, it's time to take it to the next level.

Blu: What's wrong with this level?

Pedro: Come on. This ain't the level. The next level's the level. You got to shake your tail feathers.

Nico: Oh, yeah!

Blu: Uh, we... we got to get this chain off first.

Rafael: Come on, lovebirds. You're in Rio. You should enjoy it!

Nico: Yeah, live a little.

(While they were walking, a marmoset was watching them. He then took three pictures of them with a camera which singled the other monkey to tell the other monkey to shake the flags. Which he did. Once he did, the other monkey came down and snatched a phone off a table and texted the leader. The Lead Marmoset checked the phone and saw that they found them.)

Lead Marmoset: Ah. Ooh. Hmm? (Laughs) We got 'em.


(The gang entered the Samba Club.)

(Dance music playing, festive yelling)

Birds: (Laughter)

Nico: Welcome to paradise.

Rafael: Some party, huh?

Skippy: [as they enter a club full of birds dancing and thumping with music] This is the coolest place I've ever seen! Despite all the obvious health code violations.

Martha Speaks: The New Kid: Rio (Ocs Included)Where stories live. Discover now