Chapter 8: Smuggler's Plane/Back Home

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(We then cut to the airport where Marcel, Tipa, Fernando and Armando are loading the birds and the others into the plane. Fernando hands a cage as Tipa grabs it and loads it into the plane.)

Tipa: Come on, kid.

(Fernando looks at Blu, Jewel and others who are still locked in the cages looking at him begging him to let them out.)

Fernando: I'm gonna get you guys out of here. 

Sara: Thank you, kind boy.

Fernando: Wait? You can talk?

Martha: Yeah, we're able to speak. We just talk to you before when you capture us.

(Nigel appears in front of Fernando and screeches at him)

Fernando: (Gasps)

Marcel: What do you think you're doing?

Fernando: Uh, nothing.

Marcel: You shouldn't have done that. Now, come on. 

(Fernando looks at the gang and then turns back to Marcel and bites him on the hand)

Marcel: (Grunts) Ow! (Groans)

Fernando: (Panting)

Marcel: Ju-- Just forget him! Get the birds and the dogs!

(Soon, Linda, Tulio, The Angry Birds and Champ arrive at the airport on the float as they see the plane is starting to take off.)

Tulio: They're getting away.

Champ: Oh No they won't!

Linda: We'll see about that!

Chuck: They're not getting away that easy!

Champ: Wait, I have an idea! Linda, take the wheel and get us closer to the plane! 

Linda: On it! *Takes the wheel*

Champ: Red, Chuck, Blues, hop on my back! We're hopping on the plane!

(The Angry Birds jump on Champ's back)

Red: How are we going to do that?

Champ: When we get closer, I'm going to grab the handles of the plane!

(Linda makes a turn through the fence and onto the runway.)

Tulio: Ahh! Watch out!

(Inside, Marcel, Tipa and Armando are cheering)

Marcel: We did it, boys!

Armando: Yes!

Tipa: Yes, we did it! Ha, ha! We're the best! Ha, ha.

(They see the float up ahead.)

Marcel: Is that a float?

Tipa: Wow! Look at the detail on that thing.

Armando: Ooh!

Marcel: Pull up, you idiot! Pull up!

Tipa: Huh?

All: (Yelling and screaming)

All: (Yelling and screaming)

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