Discussion And Imminent Danger

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Inside the tent, the Parpaldian officers sat across from their counterparts from the East African Federation. The soldiers of the East African Federation were tall, with dark skin and strong features that were strikingly different from the officers of Parpaldia.

Despite their differences in appearance, both sides sat in silence, sizing each other up. The Parpaldian officers were curious about the East African soldiers, wondering how they had managed to make their way into the heart of the empire. They had heard stories of foreign powers attempting to infiltrate their land, but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

The East African soldiers, for their part, seemed just as surprised to be there. They looked at the Parpaldian uniform with curiosity as it appeared rather old-fashioned and antiquated in their norms. If asked for their opinion, they would probably say it's from an old war movie. They were also curious about the Parpaldian officers, wondering what they were thinking and feeling.

After a tense silence, the Parpaldian officer cleared his throat and spoke up. "We were surprised to receive your message. Oh, where are my manners? I am Captain Tagher Van Swatzher of the Parpaldian Imperial Army. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, addressing the leader of the East African soldiers. "Yes, our pleasure too. I am Colonel Jamill John of the East African National Army."

After a brief pause, Colonel Jamill resumed, "We apologize for the misunderstanding. Our regiment was deployed for combat patrol and had no intention of engaging in combat with your forces. It was a mistake, and we hope to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future."

Captain Tagher nodded in understanding. "We appreciate your explanation and hope that we can work together to avoid any further misunderstandings. However, we must ask why your forces are in our land without our knowledge or consent."

Colonel Jamill John sighed and replied, "It is a long story, Captain, but suffice it to say that our forces were sent here on a mission from our government. We are here to help, not to cause trouble."

"Help? From what? On what?." Tagher raised his brows in response.

The East African Colonel nodded. "We apologize for any confusion or conflict that may have arisen," he said. "Our mission here is not to invade or conquer, but to provide assistance to the people of this land."

The Parpaldian officer looked skeptical. "Assistance?" he repeated. "What kind of assistance could you possibly provide that we cannot?"

The East African leader smiled patiently. "We have much to offer," he said. "Medical aid, educational resources, and technology that could greatly benefit your people. We come in peace, not in war."

The Parpaldian officer considered his words for a moment before responding. "We appreciate your offer of assistance," he said. "But we are a proud people, and we do not need the help of outsiders. We can take care of our own."

The East African leader nodded. "We understand," he said. "But please know that our offer still stands. We are not here to interfere, but to help. We hope that you will consider our offer, and that we can work together to build a better future for all."

"Whatever the case. Let's get back on track," However, the conversation soon turned to the reason why the East African Federation had soldiers in the a town within the heart of the Parpaldian Empire. "Why you have military forces here?."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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