Chapter One: Lifun

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8 years later... It's now the year 848...


"Yes father!"

"Help me with the sheep boy!"

Thorvald then ran to his father's sheep pen and threw the one sheep over his shoulder and walked with his dad to the local butcher in the town...


"Yes boy?"

"Don't you think it's weird that I can carry a sheep around my shoulders at 8 years old?"

"Nope, by your age I could carry two sheep over my shoulders."

"Can not."

Thorvald and his father Erik laughed and chuckled together as they arrived at the butcher's table... They both threw the sheep down on the table...

"What will it be this time Erik?"

"Skin and meat, keep 20% of the proceeds for yourself as payment." Erik explained to Tror the Butcher.

"Understood." Tror confirmed with Erik.

As he confirmed with Erik, Thorvald and his father started walking back home...

"Father, why do you always tell that man to keep 20% of our meat and stuff?" Thorvald asks.

"Simple boy, it's a trade, a payment, a reward for his work, that's the way the world works boy, you can't leave someone empty handed after they provided you with a service, it's the law of trade, and it's one of the best laws there is... Even though sometimes I completely hate it..." Erik explained.

Erik and Thorvald arrived home, Thorvald took off his boots and placed them at the front door and headed straight for bed...

"Well, what did you do dad?" Ymir, Thorvald's older sister asks her dad Erik.

"Took the boy sheep training..."

"Oh, well that's nice, mother should be returning shortly, she's visiting Truid."

"Alright, thank you Ymir, I'll go and fetch her, make sure the boy isn't hungry and sleeps well..."

Ymir walks over to her brother and taps on his shoulder...

"Psst, Thorvald-"

"Hmm?" Thorvald asks in a drowsy manner.

"Are you hungry and do you feel warm enough? It's cold tonight..." Ymir says as she tucks his blanket under his legs to keep him warm.

"No-no, I'm not hungry, I just want to get some sleep..." Thorvald says and falls asleep...

Ymir then left the room and caught her father sitting alone in his chair at the fireplace, but Ymir noticed a tattoo on his right shoulder...


"Yes Ymir?"

"What's the tattoo on your right shoulder?"

"What tattoo?"

"The one that has a valkyrie with a cross behind her?" Ymir questions.

"It's a long story."

"Well, I have all night..."

"I. Do. Not. Care. Ymir, go to bed..."


"Do not talk back to me, go to bed..."


Ymir then left the fireplace feeling frustrated and went to sleep next to her brother...

Norse NadirTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon