Chapter Four: Hefnd

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Thorvald woke up to him with only pants on, his shield, sword, armor were all taken away from him, he was chained up, he couldn't move...

A woman with purple eyes and black hair walked into the area where Thorvald was chained up...

"And who the fuck are you?" Thorvald asks with a smile on his face.

"Someone who will teach you some fucking manners barbarian..."

"Interesting, you can understand Icelandic as well, care to enlighten me who you are?"

"Name's Skadi..."

"Well, well, well... Just like the Goddess itself..."


"Alright, what do you guys want then?"

"We need you to become King of Mercia..."

"And if I don't?"

"We will set you free with nothing, no armor, no sword, no boots, no food... Nothing!"

"Great, then get me the fuck out of here..."

"Let me say that again... Nothing!"

"I heard you loud and clear the first time, now get me out of here..."

"Jesus, Ymir wasn't wrong about your arrogance..."

Two guards with black armor then came into the room, their faces were covered with skull type masks, they unchained Thorvald, picked him up and threw him down a declining hill outside the fortress gates...

"Fuck man, how did we end up here, first we killed in Mercia now were sliding down Mercia..." Thorvald thinks to himself as he's rolling down the mountain.

Bang! Thorvald hit his whole back on a full fledged boulder...

3 hours later...

Thorvald heard English kids playing in the field behind him, he got up and looked around the area...

He saw that there was a man playing with the children in the field equipped with a shield and sword...

"What father plays with their children in battle gear, you people English truly are the devils..."

Thorvald then spotted a village, he started sprinting to the village but checked his surroundings every now and then so that he doesn't get caught by the villagers or English guards...

He saw a house in the village with an open door, he checked the area to see if it's clear... He sneaked inside of the house, closed and locked the door.

He saw a five slices of bread and a cooked piece porkchop, he quickly downed the food and started searching the house, he found a pair of boots that are his size, a shirt that doubles as a cloak and a small knife, he put the hood over his head and left the home with the knife in his pocket and wandered around the village...

He spotted an English guard wandering around a nearby wheat field alone, he snuck behind the English guard in the field and... Stabbed him in the neck, the Englishmen couldn't shout because of his severe wound, his blood was getting on Thorvald's boot tips and knee as he was kneeling down to loot the guard, he picked up his tunic, helmet, armor and sword to act like an English guard, he then wandered around a town in Mercia looking like an official English guard...

"Do you not realize the trouble you've made for yourself Thorvald?" Erik, his father in his head tells him...

"Father, I am in the worst position right now, my own sister betrayed me and I do not know how to speak the language of the Devil so I have no idea what I am going to do, this disguise won't even last me 24 hours..." Thorvald replies in his thoughts.

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