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The loud slam of a folder of files dropping onto my desk fills the room. In front of me I see the figure of a petite body. My gaze drifts up to see the blond woman smiling down at me. Her sleek hair falls onto her chest and her cleavage dangerously on view.

I clear my throat and form a subtle smile before I return my attention to the files in front of me.
I sense her disappointment as she walks out the office and all that's left is silence.

The last thing I could need right now are more files to go through. I assumed my assistant would do that for me— but judging by the second folder she dropped onto my desk today, these must be gone through by me before she stores them.

Lifting myself off the chair I walk towards the little table in the opposite corner, to pour myself a drink.
The clinking noise of the ice sliding across the glass to the very bottom chimes out. I lift the bottle and pour the brown liquor in the glass, drowning the ice cubes in the burning brandy.

Right when I lift the glass to my lips bending it and causing the burning liquor to come in touch with my tongue I hear the door swing open in a fast motion.
My head turns immediately, my grip still tight around the glass not lifting it down. My eyes search for the cause of the interruption as they find a tall full-bearded and dark haired man in the door frame.

"Ricardo,"I mumble, putting down the glass.
"What can I do for you, it seems-" raising my brows and looking at his hand around the door handle I continue to speak "very urgent".

"Uh yeah. There's a few things we have to discuss but we can do that tomorrow."

I look at the clock above the door frame telling me it's nearly 7pm. I sigh and lick my lips in irritation. "So why the unpleasant disturbance?" I return my attention back to my drink and look out the big windows admiring the skyline of New York.

"Nicolo. We desperately need a new manager. Since Rodriguez bailed we need to find someone else. Someone better don't let Wilson win."

I clench my jaw at the reminder. My fingers grip the glass so tight that I'm afraid it'll splatter into a million pieces in any second. Though nothing happens. There's silence. No broken pieces on the floor. No splattering echoing in my ears. Nothing like me. Not broken like me. Once broken and never the same. The glass would've just landed in the trash. Not usable anymore. A stinging feeling spreads in everything that's left of my heart.

Just pure silence that overcomes me. I notice it's my turn to speak now. The frustration in me builds and I close my eyes shut.

"I know that." I grit out, trying my best not to let the anger out. Rodriguez was my manager for years. He has been with me since the beginning. Since I started this business. And now he bailed out. For Wilson.
Wilson apparently made a good deal to cooperate, as the 'best business managers in town' together.

And now I'm left alone with clumsy Ms Carter who can't even handle the phone calls. I need to find a real business manager but I don't trust people. Especially not after what happened with Rodriguez. Build up trust for years just for him to betray me like that.

"I'm working on it. It's harding finding good and genuine ones"

"Ms Carter said she found a very good one. Trustworthy and good reputation. She printed all the needed information and dropped the folder off on your desk earlier. Take a look."

My mind goes back to when she dropped it off. I start nodding and turn my body to Ricardo.

"Alright thanks Ric. I'll be looking through it now. Go home it's late. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

He nods and walks out, closing the door behind him.
I finish the brandy and place it on the table and make my way towards my desk.

Sitting down on the chair I grab the folder and open it. My breath hitches as my eyes scan the first page.

Gray, Eleanora
Business Manager for Private Companies

My eyes trace the next files. Review, Screenshots from her website, Contact Information.

I look her up myself and lick my lips at the sight of the smiling brown haired and tanned skinned woman shown on my laptop screen. I suppress a smile by biting my lips.

I spent nights after nights thinking about the woman sleeping safe and sound on my couch that very night back. Her silk dress hugged her curves and her hair fell into her face as she laid there fast asleep.

I had left early the morning after and when I returned the woman that called me an Idiot was already gone.

I don't get involved with women. I don't do love and relationships. If I have to fulfil my needs I will do so, but without any string attached relationships.

But fuck. This woman hasn't left my damn mind and it's been over months. The way she gave Willson attitude when she was on the phone with him, it made my blood flow down causing a tight friction between my hardening cock and the fabric of my dresspants.

The way her teeth sank into her plump lips as she tried suppressing her smile and the way she looked at me with those brown hues like a Bambis'. I'm crazy for that woman. Her aura is made of pure seduction. The pure innocence and sanctity in those eyes.

I'd give everything to look in those eyes again. To see her chest rise with every breath she takes. How her throat works when she gulps and how she flutters her eyes close every second heartbeat.

And if that means to hire her as my business manager, so be it. I have no intention to touch her. I have no intention to ruin that beautiful innocent soul of hers with the darkness of mine. But I need her near— she has to be around. Or I'm afraid I'll lose myself over and over again. The pure addiction to that woman is driving me insane.

I feel an unknown feeling spreads in my chest— just like the second I saw her sprawled out on my couch. Something inside me changed. Though I have no idea what that feeling could be.

With every further breath I take I promise myself I'll keep her around. Until the desire gets too much. Until this feeling overcomes me. My fingers type across the keyboard sending an email to the cause of the tight feeling in my pants.

With me pressing the send button, I release a long breath. This is gonna be interesting. Shutting down my laptop and storing the files in my desk drawer, I leave the room and enter the elevator.

I decide to let Ric know that I've emailed her and we're now waiting for an answer. Putting my phone back into my pocket I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath in knowing as soon as I'm home I'll handle the little problem that the addicting woman has caused.


so sorry for the long wait!

Illicit Love © 2023 delicatewxnder

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