Chapter 3: A Sudden Confrontation

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Damian's P.O.V

He sighs, as he collects his homework and textbooks then tucks them away into his bag, only vaguely listening to Ewen and Emile's intentions to eat lunch out in the courtyard today. Having made sure to leave the second set of notes that he had written out on his desk-the notes he had written down for Anya- he gathers them into his hands and then gets up to follow his friends from behind so that they wouldn't notice what he was about to do.

Why he bothered doing it for that commoner at all he didn't know, it just sort of happened. Especially after he noticed her napping during class like she always does, being the lazy commoner she is, particularly since it was Mathematics her least favourite subject. How did he know that? He was just observant that's all! Plus the commoner has always been hard to ignore, she was just too annoyingly distracting, a complete utter nuisance!

The way she was always loud and giggling about something dumb with Blackbell in the middle of class, the way she always seems to sense when he was looking at her, then either looks at him with those stupidly green sparkly eyes or looks at him with that irritating smirk that she always does to annoy him. She's completely unpredictable, a wildcard, a mannerless commoner!

Yet...for some stupid unknown reason, he couldn't help but continuously be drawn to her, and as much as he had tried to deny it, Anya had plenty of good qualities as well. However most of all, unlike everyone else she had given him hope. The hope was that she was different from the rest of those mindless fools that suck up to him just because he was a Desmond, that she could be a true friend.

He lets his eyes be drawn to Anya yet again, as he walks behind his friends slower than usual, nervously clutching at the notes in his hands. Anya was still asleep on her desk and he could just make out the rise and fall of her even breathing from behind her, inching closer to her desk by the second. Suddenly, he accidentally locks eyes with Becky Blackbell, who had been trying to poke and prod Anya awake so they could both get lunch.

She watches him curiously, and perhaps just a bit suspiciously. He then quickly looks back down to the notes in his hands, feeling torn once more. Thinking back to the conversation he had with Anya after the hijacking. Back then he had realised that Anya almost had him fooled, suddenly a wave of disappointment plagues him again.

Before that conversation,  he had finally been willing to throw away his pride for her, because he had up until then, thought that she had treated him as if they were equals despite their differences in social status, with no ulterior motives. That she didn't suck up to him at all, she even punched him in the face the first day they met! He had never met anyone who had the guts to stand up to him and challenge him the way she does, and even though half of the time she knew how to push his buttons, the other half of her had just seemed so darn genuinely nice and innocent, a complete angel!

That is until something she said that day caused doubt to wriggle it's way back in like a parasite. He had finally offered her what she wanted, his friendship, his trust...and yet, she immediately became pushy about going to his house and having their parents meet just like the rest of the fools did, and randomly sprouted some nonsense about world peace! As if that had anything to do with anything!

What's even more frustrating, is that normally he would find it easy to just cut those people out, forget about them and treat them as if they're nothing. However, for some reason he just can't seem to do that with Anya...he thinks about her more than ever now, and it's completely frustrating! Just what kind of wicked spell does this commoner have him under!?

"Ahem! What do you want Desmond?" says the snarky voice of Becky Blackbell, suddenly making him realise that he had already reached Anya's table and that he had been standing there right next to it, looking down at the girls sleeping form, still dead to the world.

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